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Amazonomachy battle Greek heroes (Bellerophon, Heracles, Theseus, Achilles, etc.) And the Amazons. Popular subject in Greek art. The Amazon (Amazon) in the bass. p. Amazon, mainly in Brazil, as well as in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. The largest in the world. (St. 5 million. Km2), with a predominantly equatorial climate, dense overflowing river network and moist evergreen forests (selvas). Amalitsky Prokhorovich Vladimir (1860-1917), a Russian geologist and paleontologist. Opened (1896; 1899-1914 excavations) fossils of amphibians and reptiles of the Permian period (t. N. Severodvinsk fauna). Amal oilfield in Libya (Libyan Sahara and oil and gas basin). Opened in 1959. The deposits at a depth of 1,8-4,5 km. Initial reserves of 204 million. M. The density of 0.85 g / cm3. Production center - city of Benghazi. AMALGAM (medieval Latin. Amalgama - alloy), an alloy of mercury with others. Metal. Amalgam used, eg., With gilded mirrors in the production, non-ferrous metallurgy (amalgamation). Amalgamation in the non-ferrous metals - a method for extracting metals from ores or concentrates using mercury. When wetted with mercury amalgam metals form and separated from the gangue. Used primarily for recovering noble metals. Amalgamation, in the economy - a form of centralization of capital through mergers, as a result of which they lose their former independence. Amaldi (Amaldi) Hugo (1875-1957) was an Italian mathematician and engineer. Basic research related to group theory and mechanics. Contributed to the theory of continuous transformation groups and the geometry of the external ballistics. President of the Italian Mathematical Society (1941-43). Amaldi (Amaldi) Edoardo (1908-89) was an Italian physicist, a foreign member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958). Proceedings on spectroscopy, nuclear physics, elementary particle physics. Participated (1934) in the discovery of neutron moderation in the matter. AMALRIC Andrey (1936-80), Russian writer and publicist. Twice sentenced to exile (1965) and the conclusion in the camps of strict regime (1970). Since 1976 in exile. The most famous was the historical and sociological essay "Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984?". In absurdist plays, marked grotesque irony alogism, satirically depicts a Soviet reality. Books: "unwelcome journey to Siberia" (1970); "Notes of a dissident" (1982) and others. AMALRIC (Amalric) Bensky (d. C. 1207), a medieval mystic, founder of a religious sect amalrikan. He taught at the University of Paris. His pantheistic doctrine was condemned at Paris (1210) and the Lateran (1215) cathedrals in Rome. AMALRIC Leonid A. (b. 1905), the Russian film director, Honored Artist of Russia (1965). Cartoons, fairy tales: "Grey Neck" (1948), "Magic Shop" (1953), "Cat House" (1958), "Thumbelina" (1965), "Terem-Mansion" (1971) and others. Amalthea, Jupiter's moon open E. Barnard (USA, 1892). Dimensions 135 x 85 x 75 km, the mean distance from Jupiter 181,300 km, orbital period of 0.498 days. Aman (Aman) Theodore (1831-91), Romanian painter and graphic artist. Founder of the School of Fine Arts in Bucharest (1864). Paintings on the theme of national history, portraits, idyllic scenes of peasant life, etchings depicting peasants. Amanat (Ar.) Hostage. AMANGELDY IMANOV (1873-1919), one of the leaders of the Central Asian uprising in 1916 and the struggle for Soviet power in Kazakhstan. Killed by supporters of "Alash Orda". Amanzhol Kasim (1911-55), Kazakh poet. Collection of lyrical poems "Confessions of Life" (1938), "The Tempest" (1948), a poem of life of Kazakhstan. Introduced in verse 10 Kazakh-syllable line. Aman Bazar (1908-81), the Turkmen actor, playwright, People's Artist of the USSR (1965). Since 1929 the Turkmen Drama Theater. Mollanepes (Ashgabat). Amanullah Khan (1892-1960), the Afghan king in 1919-29. Led the liberation war against Great Britain, gained recognition of full independence of Afghanistan (1919). In 1919 concluded with the Soviet state treaty of friendship in 1926 - with the Soviet Union on neutrality and mutual non-aggression. Reforms of Amanullah Khan contributed to the development of the national economy and culture, strengthen the national independence. As a result of the revolt deposed, emigrated. AMAP (Amapa), state in northern Brazil. 142.4 thousand. Km2. The population of 289 thousand. People (1991). Adm. c. - Macapa. Amaravati, a city in central India, pcs. Maharashtra. 434 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Cotton industry. Remains of the largest surviving Indian memorial structures - stupas (originally building 2 in. BC. E.). Famous reliefs of Amaravati. "Amaravella" association of artists, supporters cosmism; existed in Moscow in 1923-28. Under the influence of Nicholas Roerich and M. Churlionis members (AP Sardan (Rams), BA Smirnov-Rusetsky, PP Fateev, VT Chernovolenko, SI Shigalev) created painting and drawing, combining alien galactic theme with motifs of occultism and eastern mysticism (the name of the company goes back to the Sanskrit word "Amaravati", "abode of immortals"). AMARANTH (amaranth), born mostly annual grasses amaranth family. Approx. 60 species in warm and temperate zones. Weed, cereals, vegetables, ornamental plants. Due to its high nutritional value and ease of cultivation is widely introduced into the culture in many countries, especially tropical. Amar see. Tsetlin MO Amaryllis bulbs genus of plants of the family Amaryllidaceae. 1 species in the South. Africa. Bred throughout the rooms and greenhouses. Amaryllidaceae, the family of monocots. Perennial herbs, often with bulbs. Approx. 1,100 species (85 genera), most in the South. Africa Center. and South. America. Many Amaryllidaceae cultivated as ornamental plants (narcissus, amaryllis, Crinum, Hippeastrum, etc.). Amarillo (Amarillo), a city in the southern US, pcs. Texas. 158 thousand. Inhabitants (1990). A large shopping center agricultural area (cattle, wheat, sorghum). Copper refining, assembly of nuclear weapons, aviation, food industry. Near Amarillo - a large repository of helium. Amarna (Tel el-Amarna), town in Egypt, on the site of the capital city dr. Egypt Ahetatona at pharaoh Akhenaten (14 in. BC. E.). Palaces, temples, houses, barns, workshops, archive documents (see. Tell el-Amarna letters). Amazonas (Amazonas), area in southern Venezuela. 175.8 thousand. Km2. The population of 60 thousand. People (1990). Adm. c. - Puerto Ayacucho. AMAT (Amamat) (al., Eg. Devourer), in Egyptian mythology monster that lives in the Duat and devour sinners. AMATI (Amati), the family of the Italian masters of stringed instruments. Progenitor - Andrea (c. 1520 - c. 1580), the creator of the violin classical type. His sons: Andrea Antonio (c. 1540 - after 1600) and Girolamo (1561-1630). The most famous son of the last - Nicolo (1596-1684), whose instruments are valued most highly. Pupils Nicolo Amati, his son Girolamo 2nd (1649-1740), A. Guarnieri, A. Stradivari. Amaterasu, Shinto in the supreme goddess, the personification of the sun. AMATSUMARA in Japanese mythology deity, to make the magic mirror - one of the relics of the Japanese emperors; patron of blacksmiths. Amashukeli Elgudja Davidovich (b. 1928), Georgian sculptor, People's Artist of the USSR (1988), corresponding member of the Academy of Arts (1988). Statue "Mother Georgia" (1958, 1963) and a monument to Vakhtang Gorgasal (1967) in Tbilisi, Gori Victory Monument, a memorial of Glory to heroes-seamen in Poti (both 1979) are different lapidary volumes, pathetic images. USSR State Prize (1982). BARN (Turk.), Just granary. AMBARKATSIYA (fr. Embarquement - loading and landing), loading troops on ships (vessels) for delivery to the designated place. Barn rat, the same as the gray rat. Barn moth, butterfly collection of these moles. Pests (caterpillars) of grain and grain products. Spread widely. Front fenders silver-gray with dark spots. Granary mites (grain or flour, mites), a family of mites acariform squad. Length 0.2-0.5 mm. Approx. 70 species are widely distributed. They live in the soil, burrows and nests animals on the roots and green parts of plants. When harvesting granary mites recorded from the fields to the warehouse where they damage grain, flour and others. Foodstuffs. Barn moth, butterfly family ognevok. Pests (caterpillars, especially the mill, grain and flour) grain and grain products. Widespread. Grain weevil, the beetle family weevils. Pest of grain and grain products. Is widespread. The length of 2.2-3.7 mm, dark brown. Hambardzum Arshakovich Eugene (b. 1929), Russian statesman, a political scientist. In 1973-91 Head of the Department of the Institute of Economics of the world socialist system, USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1990-93 member of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. C 1995 Ambassador in Mexico. HAMBARDZUMYAN Amazaspovich Victor (1908-96), an astrophysicist, academician (1943) and president (1947-93 in) Armenian Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978). Founder and director of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (1946). One of the founders of theoretical astrophysics. Works on the cosmogony of stars and galaxies, stellar dynamics, variable stars, gas nebulae. Opened (1947) and explored a new type of star systems (stellar associations). USSR State Prize (1946, 1950). Gold Medal. Lomonosov USSR Academy of Sciences (1971). State Prize of the Russian Federation (1995). HAMBARDZUMYAN Ruben S. (1911-71), chemist and metallurgist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966). Create new corrosion-resistant structural alloys, methods of protection of metals from corrosion. Lenin Prize (1960), the USSR State Prize (1949, 1953). Ambivalence (from Lat. Ambo - and both valentia - force), the duality of experiences when the same object is a person at the same time opposite feelings, for example. love and hate, pleasure and pain; one of the senses is sometimes subjected to repression and other disguises. Term was introduced by E. Bleuler. AMBIOFONICHESKAYA SYSTEM (from Lat. Ambi - circle around and Greek. Phone - sound), a set of electro-acoustic devices (microphones, amplifiers, reverb, speaker), used in the theater, concert and others. Halls to ensure good hearing and surround sound in any point of the room, as well as creating acoustic effects. Ambipolar diffusion, simultaneous movement in the ionized medium (eg., Plasma) of charged particles of both signs, for example. electrons and positive ions in the direction of incidence of concentration. AMBISTOMY, family tailed amphibians. Length between 8 and 30 cm. 4 genus of 35 species in the North. America. They live in damp places; lay eggs in water. Larva - axolotl. 5 species in the Red Data Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. AMBITION (from Lat. Ambitio), ambition, vanity, heightened self-esteem, self-esteem; arrogance. Amblygonite, class mineral phosphates, LiAl [PO4] (F, OH). Contains a variable number of F and OH, sometimes H2O; impurities Na, V. White, sometimes light-colored, coarse-grained aggregates. The hardness of 6-6.5; density approx. 3 g / cm3. Pegmatite veins, albitized granites. Amblyopia (from the Greek. Amblys - dull, weakened and ops - eye), impaired vision due to functional disorders of the visual analyzer. Ambodik-MAKSIMOVICH Nestor Maksimovic (1744-1812), one of the founders of scientific obstetrics and creators of medical terminology in Russia, the first Russian professor of obstetrics. Author of the first Russian leadership in obstetrics, medical and surgical, anatomical and physiological and new botanical dictionaries. Ambon (Ambon), the main town and port of the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, on the island. Ambon, the administrative center prov. Maluku. 206 thousand. Inhabitants (1990). Fishing. University. Ambonese (self - ambointsy), people in Indonesia. The number of 600 thousand. People (1992), the total number of 635 thousand. Man. Malay language. Believers - Reformed Christians, Sunni Muslims. Ambra (from Arabic. Granary), wax-like substance formed in the digestive tract of the sperm whale; sometimes amber is in the water or on the shore. Used in perfumery (as perfume fixative). AMBRAZAYTITE (Ambrazaityte) Niele (b. 1939), the Lithuanian singer (mezzo-soprano), People's Artist of the USSR (1977). Since 1966 the Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theatre. Embrasure (fr. Embrasure), a hole in the defensive structures for firing of guns, small arms and observation. See. Also loopholes. Ambrose, in botany - 1) raids mycelium some marsupials mushrooms, lining the tunnels in the wood in which they live larvae of bark beetles that feed on these mycelium. 2) Type of annual and perennial grasses of the family Asteraceae. 40 species, mostly in the Americas; as an introduction in many countries; quarantine weeds. Ragweed pollen (in weight) is hay fever. Ambrose (Ambrose) (Gr. Ambrosia), in Greek mythology "food of the gods." Ambrosia with nectar ("drink of the gods") gives the gods immortality and eternal youth. Ambrolauri city (1966) in Georgia on the river. Rioni. 3 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Food industry; garment factory. Theater. Museum of Fine Arts. Ambros (Ambros) August Wilhelm (1816-76), Austrian music historian and composer. Professor of the Prague Conservatory and the University (since 1869), the Vienna Conservatory (since 1872). Outpatient Clinic (from Lat. Ambulatorius - perpetrated on the go), health care setting mainly in rural areas, in individual enterprises, and so on. N., Assisting the sick and coming home to a major medical specialties (internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics) . Outpatients, see. Art. The history of the disease. AMBUNDU (Mbunda people, self - Kimbundu), Bantu people in Angola. 2.15 million. People (1992). Language Kimbundu. Stick mainly traditional cults. There are Catholics and syncretic cults. Embouchure (French. Embouchure, from bouche - mouth), the method of folding the lips, tongue when playing wind instruments. Pulpit (from the Greek. Ambon - elevation) in the Orthodox churches rise of the altar from which to preach, the Gospel is read. Amvrosiyivka, city (1938) in Ukraine, Donetsk region. Railway station. 24.1 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Cement plant, enterprises of light industry, food industry and others. Historical museum. Ambrose (in the world Zertis-Kamensky Andrew S.) (1708-71), the Russian church leader and writer, Archbishop of Moscow (1768), author of the translation "Psalter" from Hebrew. Ambrose (in the world Klyucharev Alexei I.) (1821-1901), Russian spiritual writer and church leader, Archbishop of Kharkov (1882). Works: "Living Word" (1882), "The Complete sermons" (1902). Ambrose (1791-1863), Bosnia and Sarajevo Metropolitan (1835); in 1846 moved to the Old Believers, beginning belokrinitskoj hierarchy. Ambrose (in the world Andrei Ornatskii Antipovich) (1778-1827), Russian spiritual writer, bishop of Penza and Saransk (1819), from 1825 to the St. Cyril-Belozersky Monastery. The author of "History of the Russian hierarchy" (Vol. 1-6, 1807-15). Ambrose (in the world Podobedov Andrew) (1742-1818), the Russian church leader, preacher; Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg (1801), rector of the Moscow Theological Academy. Amounted to "Guide to reading the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament" (1779, reprinted 1811). Ambrose (in the world Alexey Protasov) (1762-1841), the Russian church leader, preacher; Archbishop of Kazan and Tver, rector of St. Petersburg Theological Academy. The author of "Latin grammar" for religious schools; collection of sermons "Words and Speech" (1856). Ambrose (c. 1430 - c. 1494) was a Russian jeweler and engraver. Works of Ambrose (carved icon-hinged) reflect the influence of Andrei Rublev. Ambrose (in the world Serebrennikov (or Serebryakov) Abraham) (1745-92), the Russian church leader, preacher. Archbishop Ekaterynoslavsky (1786), locum tenens Exarchia Moldovan-Vlahiyskoy (1789). The author of "A Brief Guide to the Russian oratorio" (1778); translated the "Paradise Lost" Milton (1780; 2nd ed., 1802). Ambrose (in the world Andrei Yushkevich) (1690-1745), Archbishop of Novgorod, preacher. Handwritten essay "A thorough reading of the differences between the Greek and Roman papal church." Ambrose of Optina (in the world Alexander toasts) (1812-91), Hieroschemamonk, the elder, spiritual writer. In the "Collection of letters and articles ..." (ch. 1-2, 1894-97), "collection of letters ... to worldly special" (1906) - feel the atmosphere of direct communication with someone learning the principles of the Christian life. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. Amga river in Yakutia, a left tributary of the Aldan. 1462 km, the basin area of 69.3 thousand. Km2. The average water consumption of approx. 190 m3 / s. Navigable for 472 km. Amgun river in Khabarovsk kr., Left tributary of the Amur. 723 km, the basin area of 55.5 thousand. Km2. The average water flow of 600 m3 / s. Navigable for 330 km. Rich in fish (chum, pink salmon, sturgeon). Amguema river in the northeast of the Russian Federation. 498 km, the basin area of 28 thousand. Km2. Flows into the Chukchi m. Amderma, urban-type settlement in the Russian Federation, Nenets Autonomous. env., 940 km from Naryan-Mar, east of the Strait. Ugra Bowl, a port on the coast of the Kara m. 5.1 thousand. Inhabitants (1989). Near Amderma - fluorite deposits. Amdo, the name of the north-eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau in China. The height of 3500-5000 m. The dry steppe. AMEBEYNAYA songs (from the Greek. Amoibaios - alternating, alternating), composition (usually in verse), in which throughout the works of alternate passages (verses, stanzas), interconnected parallel ("Mason" V. Bryusov). Goes back to singing alternately 2 singers or choirs and folk art. Amebiasis person (amoebic dysentery), chronic invasive disease: recurrent hemorrhagic, ulcerative colitis, sometimes with abscesses in the liver, and others. Organs. Amebocyte, colorless blood cells of invertebrates relevant leukocytes vertebrate animals and man. Amoeba class (or detachment) Just superclass rhizopods. Sizes 15-20 .mu.m to 1 mm and more. The majority lives in fresh water, some in the soil; There are parasitic forms, eg. dysentery amoeba. AMEZIUS (Amesius) Gilelmus (romanized. Form of the name William Ames, Ames) (1576-1633), English Reformed theologian. Professor of theology at Franeker (1621). Adhere to strict puritanical views; writings against Arminia, Remonstrants and Catholics. Amenemhet I, the Egyptian pharaoh approx. 2000-1970 BC. e., the founder of the XII dynasty. Fought for the strengthening of the central government. Preserved "Instructions" Amenemhat I to his son Senusret. Amenemhat III, Pharaoh of Egypt approx. 1849-1801 BC. e., from the XII dynasty. The Greeks attributed to him the construction of a large building in Faiyum, called "Labyrinth." AMENORRHEA (from a - a negative prefix and Greek. Men - month, rheo - CURRENT), the absence of menstruation. Physiological amenorrhea occurs in childhood, during pregnancy, lactation and menopause; pathological amenorrhea - in hereditary, endocrine, nervous, gynecological diseases. Amentet, in the Egyptian mythology the goddess of the realm of the dead, the patroness of the dead, vstrechayushaya them in the Duat. Amenhotep III, Pharaoh of Egypt approx. 1405-1367 BC. e., from the XVIII dynasty. When it reached its peak power of Egypt, built the temple of Amun-Ra at Luxor and the funerary temple with a huge statue of Amenhotep III - "Colossi of Memnon." Amenhotep IV, Pharaoh of Egypt in 1368-1351 BC. e., the son of Amenhotep III. Trying to break the power of the Theban priesthood and the old nobility, acted as a religious reformer, introducing a new state cult of the god Aten and making capital of the state of Ahetaton (modern Amarna), he took the name Akhenaten (letters. "Pleasing to Aton"). Amentia (from Lat. Amentia - madness), the kind of stupefaction (incoherent thinking, fragmentary perception disorderly excitement followed by amnesia). Amerigo Vespucci, see. A. Vespucci AMERICA, part of the world, formed by the two continents - North and South America; the border between them is usually carried out at Darien, sometimes the Isthmus of Panama. Located in the western hemisphere, between the Atlantic and Pacific approx. In North. America is often isolated Central America and the West Indies. The composition also includes about America. Greenland and a number of others. Nearby islands. The total area of America's 42.5 million. Km2. The population of 724 million. People (1990). NORTH AMERICA, see. North America. CENTRAL AMERICA, see. Central America. SOUTH AMERICA, see. South America.


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