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ALI (? -661), Fourth caliph (656) of the Arab Caliphate. Cousin and son-in-Mohammed. Kharijites killed. Announced the first Shia Imam. Ali Mohammed, see. Bab. ALI MOHAMMED (Ali Muhammad) (pres. Name and fam. Cassius Clay, Clay) (p. 1942), American athlete (boxing). Olympic champion (1960) in the light heavyweight division. Multiple world champion among professionals (in 1964-74) in the heavyweight division. Alibayramli, city (1954) in Azerbaijan, a marina on the River. Kura. Railway junction. 58.3 thousand. Inhabitants (1989). Enterprise engineering, light and food industries. TPP. Art Gallery. Named in honor of Ali Bayramov. Near Alibayramli - oil production. Ali Bey Al-Kabir (1728-73), the Mamluk ruler of Egypt from 1757 (from 1770 Sultan). During the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-74 sent the Turkish Pasha (1768), proclaimed (1770), the independence of Egypt and went to war with Turkey. In 1772 was overthrown Mamluk beys, opponents struggle with Turkey, and fled to Palestine. ALIBI (from Lat. Alibi - elsewhere), the fact of the accused or the suspect is a crime scene at the time, recorded as the time of the crime. Aligarh is a city in northern India, pcs. Uttar Pradesh. 480 thousand. Inhabitants (1989). Transport hub. Cotton, glass, metal industry. Shopping center agricultural area (grain, cotton, sugar cane); annual fairs. Muslim University. Preserved fort in the 16th. Aliger losifovna Margarita (1915-92), Russian poet. Compilations "In Memory of the brave" (1942), "Lenin Hills" (1953), "Blue Hour" (1970), "A quarter of a century" (1981) about the moral quest Soviet man. Poem "Zoe" (1942, USSR State Prize, 1943), dedicated to Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy, "Your Victory" (1945). Memoir prose. Alidade (Ar.), A ruler or a vernier microscopes at the ends of rotating about an axis passing through the center of goniometric limb in astronomical and geodetic instruments; used for measuring angles. Alida, the descendants of the Caliph Ali and his wife Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, from which some had their origin dynasty (Idrisid, Fatimids, Zaidi) in the medieval Muslim world. By Alida considers himself dynasty Alawites in Morocco. Aliyev Heydar Aliyev (Ali Rza) (b. 1923), the President of Azerbaijan in October 1993, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1979, 1983). Since 1964, Deputy Chairman in 1967-69 KGB Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Since 1969, the 1st Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. In 1982-87 the 1st Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Since 1991 the chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. Since June 1993 the chairman of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. Aliyev Mirza Aqa Ali oglu (1883-1954), the Azerbaijani actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1949). On stage with 1906. Since 1920 the Azerbaijan Theater. Azizbekov (Baku). USSR State Prize (1943, 1948). ALIYEV phase (p. 1932), Avar writer, folk poet of Dagestan (1969). Writes in Avar and Russian. Poetry collections "Native Village" (1959), "The Law of the Mountains" (1969), "The eyes of goodness" (1983), the poem "Tavakal, or why men get older" (1988); novels "Family Coat of Arms" (1970), "Eighth Monday" (1978) about the life of modern Dagestan. Alizadeh Abdulkerim Ali oglu (1906-79), the Azerbaijani orientalist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR (1955). Works on the medieval history of Azerbaijan and the countries of the Middle East. Alizarin, known since antiquity organic dye. Refers to the mordant anthraquinone dyes. With metal salts (Al, Cr, Fe) yields colored complexes, ie. N. varnishes. Intermediates for the preparation of dyes; aluminum lake Alizarin used for decorative paints, nitrocellulose and others. ALICANTE (Alicante), city and port in Spain on the Mediterranean m., the administrative center prov. Alicante. 261 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Light and food industries. The district center subtropical fruit growing (viticulture et al.). Sea Resort. Medieval Castle of Santa Barbara, the town hall with two-tower facade (17-18 cc.), The church of San Nicolás de Bari (17 in.). ALIM (Achim) Maccabeus (d. 166 BC. E.), According to legend, one of seven brothers - Old Testament martyrs killed in the persecution of Antiochus IV Epiphanes for refusing to violate the law of Moses (2 Maccabees 7). Memory in the Orthodox Church 1 (14) of August. ALIMARIN Ivan Pavlovich (1903-89), a Russian analyst, academician of the USSR (1966), Hero of Socialist Labor (1980). Major works on the quantitative analysis of micro- and ultramikrohimicheskomu, separation of rare earth elements. Proposed neutron activation method for the determination of impurities in semiconductors. USSR State Prize (1972). Alimdjan Hamid (pres. Name and fam. Hamid Alimdzhanovich Asimov) (1909-44), the Uzbek poet and member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (1943). Collection of poems "Morning Breeze" (1930), "Night on the River" (1936), "Take up arms!" (1942). Historical drama "Mukanna" (1942-43). Nutritional diseases of humans and animals caused by improper - irregular, defective or unbalanced diet (eg., Alimentary dystrophy, kwashiorkor) or with the use of poor-quality food (see. Food poisoning) alimentation (pozdnelat. Alimentatio, from Lat. Alimentum - food content ) in dr. Rome in the context. 1 - Ser. 3 centuries. system of public assistance to children of poor parents and orphans; consisted of interest received from small and medium landowners for the issuance of loans to the state. CHILD SUPPORT (from Lat. Alimentum - food, maintenance), means that in cases prescribed by law, certain members of the family must pay for the maintenance of others. Russian family legislation establishes the range of persons entitled to alimony, as well as persons required to pay them, the amount and terms of payment of alimony. Upon cancellation of the voluntary payment of alimony may be recovered through the courts. Alimjanov Anuar (Anuarbek) (1930-93), Kazakh writer. Wrote in Russian. Tale "Caravan goes to the Sun" (1963), "Blue Mountain" (1964) about the present; historical novel "The Throne Rudaki" (1974); historical trilogy "Steppe echo" ("Arrow Mahambet", 1969; "The Messenger", 1974; "The Return of the teacher", 1979). ALIMOV Alexander F. (b. 1933), the Russian hydrobiologist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1990). Major works on the biological productivity and stability of aquatic ecosystems. ALIMOV Mirzorahmat (1890 / 91-1971), the Tajik master ornamental painting on wood and polychrome relief-kundal, People's Artist of Tajikistan (1959). Alimpiy (more precisely Alypy) (? -1114), An ancient Russian painter. Mosaic of the Assumption Cathedral of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Aling-gangrene (Nain Sing), the ridge to the south-west of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Approx. 600 km. Height up to 7315 m. High desert; above 4500 m - glaciers. Ali Pasha (Ali Pashe Tepelena) (Ali Pasha of Ioannina) (c. 1744-1822), Albanian feudal lord (originally from warm, southern Albania) ruler (since 1787), part of the Balkan Peninsula (with the center in Ioannina), who achieved de facto independence from the Ottoman sultan. Killed in the war with the Sultan Mahmud II. "Alice," Russian rock band, formed in 1983 in Leningrad. The initial composition: B. DELAY (bass guitar), SHatalin (guitar, keyboards), P. Kondratenko (keyboards, vocals), Nefedov (drums), Eltikov (vocals); 1985 - K. Kinchev (pres. Panfilov surname), songwriter and singer. The group released Kincheva acting talent, a kind of melodic songs and original texts of social orientation (the song "experimenter", "I listen to anything," et al.). The song "My Generation", "We are together!" became genuine youth anthems. Alicia Boris Pavlovich (1891-1972), a Russian climatologist, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia (1962). Professor of Moscow State University (1941). Major works on the geographical aspects of climatology. Alyssum (Gmina Kamiennik), a genus of herbs cruciferous; the same as alyssum. Title alyssum used in floriculture. Aluminizing (German. Alitieren, of Al - aluminum) (aluminizing), and saturation of the surface, etc. of steel. Aluminum metal articles to improve heat-resistant (up to 1100 ° C) and atmospheric corrosion resistance. ALYTUS (Alytus) (until 1917 the official name Olita), a city in Lithuania, p. Nemunas. Railway station. 74.9 thousand. Inhabitants (1990). Plants: refrigerators, engineering, etc .; food industry, cotton mill, sewing aliphatic compounds (from the Greek. aleiphar, b. p. aleiphatos - fat) (fatty compounds, acyclic compounds), organic compounds whose molecules carbon atoms form "open" linear (aliphatic compounds normal structure) or branched (branched chain aliphatic compounds) chains. Include hydrocarbons (eg., Alkanes, olefins) and their derivatives (eg., Alcohols, carboxylic acids, amines). Subdivided into saturated, which contain only single bonds (C-C) and the unsaturated containing multiple bonds (C = C, C CE mark). The main sources of hydrocarbons - oil and natural gas and their derivatives - plant and animal organisms. Alikhan Abram (1904-70), the Russian physicist, academician of the USSR (1943), Hero of Socialist Labor (1954). Brother Alikhan'yan. Founder and director (since 1945) of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. Proceedings of nuclear physics and cosmic rays. Under the leadership of Alikhanov created the first in the USSR heavy water nuclear reactor (1949), with strong focusing accelerator to 7 GeV (1961). USSR State Prize (1941, 1948, 1953). Alikhan'yan Artem Isaakovich (1908-78), a physicist, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1946), Academy of Sciences of Armenia (1943). Brother Alikhanov. Proceedings of nuclear physics and cosmic rays. Lenin Prize (1970). USSR State Prize (1941, 1948). Alikhanian Isaak (1876-1946), Armenian actor, People's Artist of Armenia (1923) and Georgia (1941). On stage since 1897, since 1922 in Tbilisi Armenian theater. Alicyclic compounds, organic compounds containing in molecules cycles (ring) of three or more carbon atoms (excluding aromatics). Include hydrocarbons and their derivatives, eg. alcohols, carboxylic acids, amines. They differ in the number of cycles in the molecule (mono-, bi-, tri- or polycyclic) and the nature of linkages joining the carbon atoms (saturated or unsaturated). Found in large quantities in oil. Examples of the alicyclic compounds - cyclopropane, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol. See. Also naphthyl. Alisha (pres. Fam. Alishev) Abdullah Barievich (1908-44), Tatar writer. Writing for children (collections of poetry, collections of short stories, "The Oath", 1935, "Mother's Fairy Tales", 1940). Ally Jalil. Executed by the German fascists. ALISHAHBANA (Alisjahbana) Suta Takdir (b. 1908), Indonesian writer. Educational novels: "Among the continuous misery" (1929), "expand the sails" (1936) about the struggle for the emancipation of women. Intelligent novel "Azure Grotto" (1970-71), the novel "defeat and victory" (1978). Aliyah (Alia) Ramiz (b. 1925), the president of Albania from 1991-92, in 1985-91 the 1 st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labor. In 1949-55 the 1st Secretary of the Communist Youth Union of Labor of Albania. And alkalimetry ATSIDIMETRIYA (from medieval Latin. Alcali - alkali and armor. Acidus - sour and ... meters) (acid-base titration), methods of quantifying the bases and acids based on their neutralization solution of the appropriate acid or base. Alkalosis, form disturbance of acid-base balance in the direction of the relative increase in the amount of alkali cations. Alkaloids (from medieval Latin. Alcali - alkali and Greek. Eidos - kind), a vast group of nitrogen-containing cyclic compounds, mainly of plant origin. All alkaloids - nitrogen bases, which are classified by chemical structure (mostly on within their structure heterocycles - indole, pyridine, quinoline, etc.), And depending on the source selection. Known approx. 10000 alkaloids; particularly rich in plant of the legume family, poppy, nightshade, buttercup, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae. Alkaloids have physiological effects on the body of animals and humans, mainly on the nervous system, so used in medicine (caffeine, morphine, ephedrine, ergot alkaloids, etc.) And in agriculture to control pests. The biological role of alkaloids in plants not fully established; alkaloids can protect plants from eating animals, serve as a form of storage of organic nitrogen in the tissues and others. Alcamo, the ancient Greek sculptor 2 nd floor. 5. BC. e. Pupil of Phidias. Gently working through the folds of clothing, to identify the plastic body ("Aphrodite in the gardens", known in copies). Alkane the same as saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons; cm. Saturated compounds. Alcathous (Alkatoy), in Greek mythology, Megara hero, son of Pelops and Hippodamia. Killed a lion, the king of Megara and rend son Megareya, then got the daughter of Megareya Evehmu. Megara was no sanctuary Alkafoya and makes the game in his honor - alkafoyi. ALKEEVA STANZA (goratsieva stanza), in ancient lyric (Alcaeus, Horace) and its imitations stanza of two 11-complicated, complex 9 and 10 poems logaedicheskogo complex structure (see. Logaedy). Alcaeus (con. 7 - 1st floor. 6 c. BC. E.), Ancient Greek lyric poet. In his poetry dominated by motives of the Civil War (perceived from the perspective of an aristocrat), as well as of table fun. Influenced Horace. Alkenes same as olefins. Alcibiades (c. 450-404 BC. E.), The Athenian strategist with 421 (repeatedly) in the period of the Peloponnesian War. Organized in 415 expedition against Syracuse, and then moved to the side of Sparta, a blueprint for waging war against Athens, and later fled to Persia. Supported in the 411 Athenian oligarchic, then democratic government. In naval battles won 411-408 at Abydos, Cyzicus and others. Alkyd varnishes, alkyd resins solutions (often blends with urea resins or with others. Polymers) in organic solvents. Form a corrosion and weather resistant coating. Used to protect the wood and metal, enamel paints and primers based on alkyd paints - for finishing the means of transport, agricultural machinery and others. A common type of paint products. Alkyd resins, synthetic resins, polycondensation products of polybasic carboxylic acids with polyalcohols; highly viscous fluid. Common alkyd resins derived from phthalic acids and glycerol or pentaerythritol, called respectively glyptal resins (gliftalyami) and Nitrocellulose resin (pentaftalyami). Mainly used for the preparation of alkyd paints. ALKYLATE (alkylbenzene), a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons (predominantly trimethylpentanes and isooctane), B.P. 40-180 ° C; liquid density 0,698-0,715 g / cm3 and a minimum octane rating of 90 is obtained by alkylation of isobutane with butenes specifications. Used to improve the antiknock gasoline. Alkylbenzenesulfonates, RC6H4SO3M compound of general formula wherein R - alkyl, M - Na, K et al. The sodium salt of alkylbenzene - surfactants that are used as components of detergents, for example. C12H25C6H4SO3Na - t. N. sulphonol. Alkylation, introduction of the molecules of organic and inorganic compounds of alkyl, eg. bromide CH3 (methylation) ethyl C2H5 (ethylation). Suitable eg., For high octane fuel, surfactants, antioxidants, insecticides. Introduction of aryl, eg. phenyl C6H5, called arylation. Alkyl compounds of the general formula ROSO3M, wherein R - alkyl, M - Na, NH4. Alkyl in which R = CH3, C2H5 - alkylating agents. Higher alkyl sulfates (eg., C11H23OSO3Na) - surfactants, are used as components of detergents. Alkynyl, in Greek mythology (in Homer) Phaeacians wise king, the grandson of Poseidon, Aretha husband, father Navsikai. In the palace of Alcinous Ulysses stayed on his way to Ithaca. Also assisted Jason and Medea. Alkynyl, acetylene series hydrocarbons. Alcyone, see. Keiko. Alcyone, in Greek mythology, one of the giants - Gigantomachia participants. Image defeated Alkioneya, with wings on his back and snakes instead of legs has a frieze of the Pergamon Altar on. Alcmaeon of Croton (6-5 cc. BC. E.), The ancient Greek physician and natural philosopher, representative of Croton Medical School. In the essay "On the nature of" natural philosophy for the first time gave the concept of the human body as a microcosm and balanced system of opposites. Conducted anatomical and physiological study. Alcmaeonidae, Athenian aristocratic family, which belonged to Cleisthenes, Pericles, Alcibiades. Considered a curse for "desecrating" the killing of a sacred place [approx. 640 BC. e. at the altar of Athena Megaclite (of the genus Alcmaeonidae) supporters were killed by Cylon]. Alcohol is the same as monohydric alcohols. Alcoholism, chronic disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages. Manifested physical and psychological dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system. Often there are alcoholic psychoses. Alcoholic psychosis, mental illness, the occurrence of which is associated with alcoholism. The most frequent form - delirium tremens (dizziness, visual and auditory hallucinations, agitation, various somatic and neurological disorders), alcoholic hallucinosis (mainly auditory hallucinations threatening content), delusions of jealousy. Alkoxide substitution products of alcohols hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group metal, eg. RONa (R = CH3, C2H5 or the like. A hydrocarbon radical). Alcoholates - solid, colorless, easily hydrolyzed products; used in organic synthesis. ALKONOST [distortion of ancient Russian sayings "Alcyone is (bird)," from the Greek. alkyon - kingfisher], a fantastic bird with a human face, depicted on ancient Russian cheap popular pictures. ALKSNIS (Alksnis) Adams (1864-97), Latvian draftsman and painter. Head of the Art Circle "Worker". Realistic watercolors, drawings on the themes of Latvian history, the life of the Latvian people ("The Sower", 1896). ALKSNIS (Astrov) Yakov Ivanovich (1897-1938), commander. Member of the Civil War, after her graduation held responsible posts in the Red Army. Commander of the 2nd rank (1935), with January 1937 Deputy Commissar of Defense for aviation. One of the organizers of the activities Osoaviahima, took an active part in the organization of operations in the Arctic, flight crews of VP Chkalov and MM Gromov. Repressed. Alcuin (Alcuin) Flaccus Albinus (Flaccus Albinus) (c. 735-804), Anglo-Saxon scholar, author of theological treatises, books of philosophy, mathematics, etc .; leader "Carolingian Renaissance", the adviser of Charlemagne. The abbot of the monastery of Tours. "ALKEN" (Alcan), the Canadian aluminum company. Founded in 1928. With sales of $ 8.3 billion. Dollars., Net profit of 931 million. Dol., Aluminum smelting approx. 1.7 million. Tonnes (1st in the capitalist world), the number of employees 56 thous. People (con. 1980.). ALLA PRIMA (ital. Alla prima), painting on wet, kind of oil painting, which requires completion of work in a single session, to drying paints. Allan, a mineral; the same as orthite. Allantoin, one of the end products of metabolism of purine bases in mammals (except primates); excreted in the urine. Allantois (from the Greek. Allantoeides - kolbasovidny), one of the embryonic membranes of reptiles, birds and mammals; respiratory system and place for the accumulation of waste products in the embryos. In mammals involved in the formation of the placenta. ALLANUROV Khydyr Allanurovich (b. 1922), the Turkmen conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1977). Since 1948, the Turkmen Opera and Ballet Theatre (1976 chief conductor). ALLAH (Ar.), The name of God in Islam. Allahabad (up to 17 in. Prayag), a city in India, in pieces. Uttar Pradesh, at the confluence of rivers. Ganges and Yamuna. 806 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Food industry. Production of religious objects. University. Religious center of Hinduism. Homeland Jawaharlal Nehru. Allah-Yun River in Yakutia, a right tributary of the Aldan. 586 km, the basin area of 24.2 thousand. Km2. The average water flow of 169 m3 / s. Navigable in high water. Alle (Alle) Augusta (1890-1952), an Estonian writer. Social satire and anti-fascist sentiments in the collection of humorous anecdotes "Purple Elephant" (1923), a collection of poems "Muddy Waves" (1930), "The harsh rhythms" (1934), "Epigrams" (1944). Alle (Allais) Maurice (b. 1911), a French economist, representative of the neo-liberal direction of political economy. Proposed the idea of "competitive planning," based on a combination of state of the economy programming competition of private enterprises. Works on the theory of markets, efficient use of material resources and others. The Nobel Prize (1988). ALLEGORY (Gr. Allegoria - allegory), the image of abstract ideas (concepts) through the image. Sense allegories unlike multinary symbol unambiguous and separated from the image; relationship between meaning and manner established by similarity (lion - strength, power or royalty). As an allegory used trails in the fables, parables, morals; in the visual arts is expressed in certain attributes (justice - woman with weights). The most characteristic of medieval art, Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque, Classicism. Allegretto (ital. Allegretto, reduce. From allegro), in music, 1) the pace is slower than allegro but faster than moderato; 2) the name of the song or part of the work at a pace allegretto. ALLEGRE [ital. allegri - (be) gay - the inscription makes from scratch lottery ticket] lottery, in which drawing is performed immediately after the purchase of the ticket. ALLEGRO (ital. Allegro, letters. - Cheerful, lively), in music, 1) a fast, agile pace; 2) the name of the song or sonata cycle (usually the first) in tempo allegro (see. Sonata form). Allele (from the Greek. Allelon - each other mutually) (allelomorphs), different forms of the same gene, located in the same areas (loci) of homologous (paired) chromosomes; define options for the same trait. In a normal diploid cell may not be present more than two alleles simultaneously. Allelopathy (from the Greek. Allelon - and mutually ... Patiala), the mutual influence of plants on each other (slower growth, flowering, and so on. D.) By releasing them into the environment of various organic substances (antibiotics, volatile, and others.) . Allemande (French. Allemande, letters. - German), old (16 in.) French court dance of German origin. Musical 4/4. Allemann Dmitry Vasilyevich (1867-1918), Russian spiritual composer, priest, author of 93 motets, in Vol. H. "Vigil" and seven "Cherubic Hymn". ALLEN (Allen) Woody (pres. Name and fam. Allen Stewart Konigsberg) (b. 1935), American film director, actor, screenwriter and novelist. Directed the film "Bananas" (1970), "Annie Hall" (1977), "Manhattan" (1979), "Zelig" (1983), "The Purple Rose of Cairo" (1985). At the heart of many films - a mockery of the genre conventions of cinema, everyday realities of everyday life, stereotyped thinking. Allen Walter (b. 1911), English writer and literary critic. Essays on the history of the realistic novel in the literatures of the United Kingdom and the United States. The novel "What did not have a life" (1959). Allentown (Allentown), a city in the eastern US, pcs. Pennsylvania. 105 thousand. Inhabitants (1990). A major center of production of trucks, instrument. Settled by German colonists from 1762. ALLER (Aller) Hugh Lawrence (b. 1913), American astronomer, spectroscopist, professor of Michigan and the University of California. The chemical composition of the sun, stars and gaseous nebulae. Opened the stars with a large deficit of heavy chemical elements (1951). ALLERGY (from the Greek. Allos - other, and ergon - action), increased or distorted body's sensitivity to any allergen - substances that cause allergies. Reactions to the allergen can occur in the form of immediate or delayed hypersensitivity type. Allergy underlies t. N. allergic diseases (eg., asthma). Allergists, branch of medicine that studies the causes, mechanisms of development, manifestations, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of allergic reactions and diseases (see. Allergy). Alligators, crocodiles family; includes alligators and caimans itself, only 7 species. Actually alligators - 2 types: Mississippi (length 6.3 m), preserved mainly in the swamps of Florida; Chinese (length 2.5 m), at p. Yangtze. Farmed. 4 species of alligators in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Allyl alcohol, CH2 = CHCH2OH, colorless liquid, boiling point 96,9 ° C. Allyl alcohol and its derivatives (primarily esters) are used for the synthesis of polymers, glycerol, acrolein as fragrances and others. HALLELUJAH (by others., Heb. Halleluyya - praising God), in Christian worship chorus motet, Judaism cry, glorify God. Allyl chloride, CH2 = CHCH2Cl, colorless liquid with a pungent, irritating odor, boiling point 44,96 ° C. Used for preparing epichlorohydrin, allyl alcohol, cyclopropane, glycerol, drugs, insecticides.


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