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UPPER Ufaley, city (1940) in the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk Region., At p. Ufaley. Railway station. 40 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Nickel Plant, Plants: Steel, "Metalist", "Uralelement" and others. The forest industry. Founded in 1761. Upper Angara river in Transbaikalia. 438 km, the basin area of 21.4 thousand. Km2. Flows into the lake. Baikal. The average water flow of 255 m3 / s. Navigable from the pier Kamniokan. Along the Upper Angara paved trail BAM. Upper Volta, the name of the state of Burkina Faso to the 1984 upper mantle shell of the Earth, the underlying crust of the Moho surface to a depth of approx. 900 km. Folded, presumably pyrolite partially eclogite in the upper mantle asthenosphere isolated and Golitsyn layer. In the upper mantle develop processes which are associated with tectonic, magmatic and metamorphic events in the earth's crust. Pyshma, city (1946) in the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg region., 13 km from Yekaterinburg. 54.1 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Non-ferrous metallurgy. Plants: of chemicals, machine-welded constructions, children's toys and other metal. Extraction of copper ore. Upper Salda, a town (since 1938) in the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg region., At p. Salda. Railway station. 55.1 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Metal and steel industry. Founded in 1760. TOP Taimyr river on the Taimyr Peninsula. 567 km., The basin area of 50.4 thousand. Km2. The average water consumption of approx. 430 m3 / s. Flows into the lake. Taimyr. Upper Tunguska, formerly p. Angara downstream. ROUND TOP, city (with 1941) in the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg region., In the upper river. Tour. Railway station (Upper). 13.3 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Machine-Building Plant. Founded in 1737 the Supreme Administrative Commission to guard the public order and public safety, extraordinary public authority in Russia in February - August 1880. Created to fight against the revolutionary movement. Chairman - MT Loris-Melikov. Supreme Command (High Command), the supreme body of the strategic leadership of the armed forces of the state (coalition of states), usually generated during the war and led by the Supreme Commander (Supreme Commander). During the Great Patriotic War, the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces of the USSR was called the Supreme Command. Supreme Commander (Supreme Commander), the supreme head of the armed forces of the state (usually the head of state). Supreme Council, 1) in 1936-88 the highest organ of state power of the USSR; popularly elected for 5 years. The USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet elected. 2) According to the Constitution of the USSR in 1977 (Law of the USSR of December 1, 1988) - constantly acting legislative and supervisory bodies of state power of the USSR, elected by the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR as part of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. 3) In the Russian Federation (until September 1993) - the body of the Congress of People's Deputies, constantly acting legislative, regulatory and supervisory bodies of state power. Consisted of two houses: the Council of the Republic and the Council of Nationalities. Supreme Court, the highest court of the state, the head of the judicial system. Considering lawsuits exceptional importance and is the final authority for all others. State courts. Supreme Privy Council, the highest deliberative public institution of Russia in 1726-30 (7-8). Catherine I created as an advisory body, effectively solves the important matters of state. Trying to limit the autocracy in their favor, but was dismissed by the Empress Anna Ivanovna. Supreme Criminal Court, the Supreme extraordinary judicial authority of the Russian Empire. Created for the political processes of the Decembrists (1826) DV Karakozov (1866), AK Solovyov (1879) and others. Since 1906 the judicial authority, considered major criminal cases as 1st court. Perched closest to the earth's surface unconfined groundwater, without continuous distribution; periodically collected and then disappear through evaporation or leakage into the deeper horizons. Upper Oka Principalities, Old, in the upper Oka: Belevsky, Vorotynsk, Mezetskoe, Novosilsky, Odoevskogo; in the 12-13 centuries. inheritances Chernigov principality, with con. 14 in. servitors inheritance Grand Duchy of Lithuania, with the con. 15 in. - Russian state. Eliminated the last third of the 16th century. Verkhovsky Alexander (1886-1938), the Russian military historian, Brigade Commander (1936). In September - October 1917, the Minister of War, Major General (1917). Since 1919, the Red Army from 1921 to teaching. Proceedings on tactics and military history. repressed; posthumously rehabilitated. Verkhovtseva, city (1956) in Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region. Railway junction. 11.1 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Enterprises of rail transport. Verkholensk links, in the Russian criminal and political space (with 2nd Thurs. 19 in.) References to the territory of the county Verkholensk Irkutsk Province. Serving the Decembrists, members of the Polish uprisings of 1830-31 and 1863-64, populists, social democrats. Verkhoturov, a city in the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg region., At p. Tour. Railway station. 9 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Wood, wood-chemical industry; production skates. Founded in 1518 as a fort on the site Mansi settlement. Verkhoyansk-Chukotka fold region, the region of Mesozoic folding in the north-east of the Russian Federation. Includes Verkhoyansk-Kolyma and Anyui-Chukotka fold system, Kolyma and Omolonsky median massifs. Verkhoyansk, a town in the Russian Federation, Yakutia, a marina on the River. Jan. 1.9 thousand. Residents (1992). In the area of Verkhoyansk - one of the "cold pole" of the Northern Hemisphere (the absolute minimum of approx. -71 ° C). Founded in 1638. Verkhoyansk Range, a mountain system in the north-east Siberia, Yakutia. The watershed of the Lena and Aldan, Omoloya, Yana and Indigirka. Length approx. 1,200 km (from the Lena River delta to the river. Tompo - inflow Aldan); width of 100 to 250 km. Consists of a series of ridges with alpine and smoothed relief (height up to 2389 m) and share their troughs. Larch woodland, creeping cedar and mountain tundra. Deposits of gold, tin. Verhoeven (Verhoeven) Paul (b. 1938), a Dutch filmmaker. He started his career as a documentary, in 1971 he made his debut in feature films. Successfully formed his creative alliance with actor Rutger Hauer. The fame brought him erotic satirical comedy "Turkish Delight" (1973), international recognition - a large-scale pseudo-thriller "Flesh + Blood" (1985), opened the way for him to Hollywood, where they were shot "RoboCop" (1987), "Total Recall" (1990), an erotic thriller "Basic Instinct" (1992). Vercingetorix (Vercingetorix) (? -46 BC. E.), The leader of the anti-Roman rebellion of the Gauls in 52 BC. e. After the capture of the Roman armies of Caesar Alesia was taken prisoner and executed. Vertices, fishing gear type traps; Cart is conical in shape with inserted Pruteanu funnel. In recreational fisheries is prohibited. Vershigora Peter (1905-63), Major-General (1944), Hero of the Soviet Union (1944). Documentary of fiction about the exploits of Soviet partisans "People with a clear conscience" (1946, USSR State Prize, 1947). VERSHININ Konstantin Andreyevich (1900-73), the Russian commander, Air Chief Marshal (1959), Hero of the Soviet Union (1944). In World War II Air Force commander, a number of fronts, and the Air Force. In 1946-49 and 1957-69 in-Chief of the Air Force in 1953-54 commander of Air Defense Forces. VERSHININ Yuri (b. 1932), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1987). Works on the physics of dielectrics, the study of conducting and insulating materials, creating electrical concrete and various high-voltage products and structures based on them. USSR State Prize (1985). Inch, Russian measure of length equal to 13/4 inches (4.45 cm). Initially equal to the length of the index finger. 4 inches = 1 inch. WEIGHT, the force with which the body acts on a horizontal support (or suspension), preventing its free fall. Numerically equal to the product of body weight on the acceleration of gravity. Due to the non-sphericity of the Earth and its daily rotation of the body weight varies somewhat with latitude; at the equator, it is approximately 0.5% less than at the poles. Human body weight, see. The mass of the human body. Veselago Theodosius Fedorovich (1817-95), the Russian naval historian, General (1892), honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1884). Works on the history of the Russian fleet and naval art. Veselka, the fungus from the group Gasteromycetes. Fruiting body of a young mushroom oval in diameter and 6 cm (t. N. Damn egg), mature - looks blewits. Height up to 30 cm. It grows in forests everywhere. It is used in folk medicine for gout and rheumatism. Young mushroom is edible. Veselovsky, Russian diplomats in 18 .: 1) Abraham Pavlovich (1683-1780), the Russian representative in the Netherlands and Austria in 1715-19. 2) Isaac Pavlovich (1688-1754), when Empress Elizabeth member of the Board of Foreign Affairs. 3) Fyodor Pavlovich (? - After 1762), the Secretary of a number of Russian embassies, representative from 1717 in London, and later curator (trustee) of Moscow University. VESELOVSKY Alexander (1838-1906), the Russian literary critic, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1880). The representative of comparative-historical study of literature; founder of historical poetics. The research was based on a thorough knowledge of Slavic, Byzantine and Western European literature and folklore of the world. VESELOVSKY Boris (1880-1954), a Russian historian, economist, Doctor of Economics, Professor. Works on the history of the Zemstvo, urban economy management and local history. VESELOVSKY Nikolai Ivanovich (1848-1918), the Russian archeologist and orientalist, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1917; corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences from 1914). Excavated mounds in southern Russia and cities Avg. Asia. VESELOVSKY Stepan Borisovich (1876-1952), Russian historian, academician of the USSR (1946). Works on the socio-economic history of Russia 14-17 centuries., Source, auxiliary historical disciplines. MERRY Artem (pres. Fam. And name Kochkurov Nikolai Ivanovich) (1899-1938), Russian writer. In the novel "Russia, blood-washed" (1924, totally 1932) expressive image element of the October Revolution and the Civil War. repressed; posthumously rehabilitated. Spring-summer encephalitis, is the same as tick-borne encephalitis. Spring catarrh, chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, sharpens the spring and summer (itching and redness of the eyelids, photophobia and lacrimation). Weighs, the official name of Viesite in Latvia until 1917. Pelecaniformes (Pelecaniformes), a detachment of waterfowl. All 4 fingers connected palama. On the shores of oceans and seas. 6 families: boobies, chaises, frigates, cormorants, darters, pelicans. Copepods, crustaceans subclass. The length of the free-0.1-3 mm, parasitic - up to 30 cm. St. 6000 species in fresh and salt waters. Serve as food for many fish and whales. Freshwater copepods may be intermediate hosts of parasitic worms, for example. Guinea worm. Parasitic copepods can cause fish kills. Paddlefish, a family of freshwater fish sturgeon squad. 2 species - one in Lake. Erie and the southern part of the rivers of the United States, length 2 m, weighs up to 75 kg; in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; the second - in the district. Yangtze, length up to 7 m. The object of the fishery. SPRING, see. Seasons. Bulletin Evgeni (b. 1923), Russian actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Since 1964, the Maly Theatre in Moscow. In films. Vesnina, Russian architects, brothers: 1) Leonid (1880-1933). 2) Victor Alexandrovich (1882-1950), academician of the USSR (1943). 3) Alexander (1883-1959) .With Vesnins 1925 headed the direction of constructivism in domestic architecture. Creating collective projects, focusing on the functional purpose construction, implemented in the construction of new structures and materials - Dneproges (1927-32), the Palace of Culture Automobile them. Likhachev Moscow (1st place in 1930-34). Vesnina, Russian architects, brothers, constantly working in the creative community. Together have gone from pre-revolutionary Soviet neoclassicism to - through the bright stage avant-garde of the 1920s. Come from a merchant family, lived mostly in Moskve.Leonid A. Vesnin [November 28 (December 10) in 1880, Nizhny Novgorod - October 8, 1933, Moscow], he studied at the Academy of Arts LN Benoit. Viktor Vesnin [March 28 (April 9) 1882 Yurievets, Ivanovo region - September 17, 1950, Moscow], he studied at the Institute of Civil Engineers (1901-12). He was Chairman of the Organizing Bureau of the Union of Architects of the USSR (1932-39), the first president of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (1939-49), member of the USSR (1943). Alexander Vesnin [16 (28) May 1883, Yurievets - November 7, 1959, Moscow], studied there (1901-12), as well as art studios KF Juon, JF Tsionglinskogo (1907-11) and Vladimir Tatlin (1912-13) .Ranny period. Modern, neoclassical and Art Nouveau rationalism and neoclassicism (the most significant example - Sirotkin house in Nizhny Novgorod, 1913, where Vesnin performed and decorative painting) pre-revolutionary works brothers evolved towards early rationalism (bank Junger at the Kuznetsk bridge in Moscow, 1913). Rationalist line strengthened in their work and due to the fact that, since 1914, Victor Vesnin designed industrial buildings, and Leonid Vesnin, in addition to industrial architecture, actively engaged and relevant urban development (project created Shaturskaya and working village with her, 1918-25 ; only partially implemented) .StsenografiyaFunktsionalno-industrial beginning, however, often coalesced with subtle irony, a sense of the world as a theater; in this respect, particularly important was the role of Alexander Vesnina. Passing the period of non-objective, close Suprematism art, he collaborated with the Chamber and Small theaters, as well as the theater of Vsevolod Meyerhold. He created innovative, landmark for scenography 20. work, connected by flexible organic rhythm Nouveau motifs totally mechanical "New World", which was ironic transformation principles of constructivism (the most typical and well-known example - the design of the play "The Man Who Was Thursday" by GK Chesterton at the Chamber Theater 1923 ) .Konstruktivizm a number of projects (building "Leningrad Pravda" and the house society "Arcos", both - 1924) and implemented buildings Vesnin brothers in Moscow (House Political Prisoners society, now the studio theater actor, 1931-34) entered the golden fund of constructivism (Le Corbusier called even Alexander Vesnina "founder" of the latter). The desire to express it in the form of building "industrial character", that is its function as a whole, implement them in a graceful ease, even playfulness compositions dynamics effectively successive visual angles. With the fullest extent these principles were embodied in the building of the Palace of Culture ZIL (1930-34). The building dominates the surrounding urban landscape as bright "ship of the future", but this reflected the construction and blatant anti-historicism of the then official culture (since the new complex was built on the territory defiantly the most valuable monument staromoskovskogo Baroque, Simonov monastery 17 in., Which as a result has been largely destroyed) In the following period .Neoklassitsizm Vesnin brothers, keeping a clear functionality and overall composition plan, again turning to neoclassicism, giving it special is now a monumental scale. Gigantic complex of the Dnieper (1927-32) executed vpechatlyayushego greatness. Erected at the same HPP new district of Zaporozhye (1928-30) embodies the avant-garde trends in urban design - with the opening quarter, "a complex of buildings set in the green area" (rather than closed, as before, on the perimeter of the streets). Since 1934, Victor Vesnin is a senior architect Narkomtyazhprom concentrated in the hands of the management of the entire industrial architecture of the USSR, as well as - or even largely - and the construction of new cities. Brothers, seemingly gain optimal conditions for design and construction activities - if not the harsh reality of Stalin's industrialization, which eliminates and nullifies the humanistic content of the boldest architectural ideas. The most ambitious of the later designs Vesnins (House of People's Commissariat of projects on the Red Square in 1934, and the second House of People's Commissars in charge, in 1940, both of which are not implemented) suffer from gigantism, ignoring the traditions of Moscow architecture. Art Vesnin brothers had a great impact on the development of domestic architecture also because both were highly talented junior teachers (they taught in VHUTEMAS-VHUTEINe and the Moscow Architectural Institute) .Literatura: Ilyin MA Vesnins. M., 1960.Chinyakov AG Vesnin brothers. M., 1970.M. Sokolov freckles, yellow-brown pigment spots a man on the exposed parts of the body (face, hands). Appear under the influence of the sun (in the spring), sometimes radioactive radiation and chemical irritants. Stoneflies (Ukr., Belarusian. - Vesnavye, Russ. - Zaklichki), ritual calendar songs call spring to mark the equinox. First stoneflies ascribed magical significance. Stoneflies, order of insects. Wings span 1-8 cm. Oak. 2000 species, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Live in flowing water bodies, especially in the mountains. Adult insects appear in early spring. The larvae of stoneflies - commercial fish feed. WEIGHT ANALYSIS same as gravimetric analysis. VESOS (Vesaas) Tarja (1897-1970), a Norwegian writer. In the novel "Black Horse" (1928), "The Birds" (1957) and others. - Interweaving of reality with symbolism and allegory. The novel "The Great Game" (1934) of peasant life; short stories and poems in the spirit of modernism play. Vespasian (Vespasianus) (9-79), Roman Emperor from 69, the founder of the Flavian dynasty. Much wider than its predecessors, extends to the right of the Roman provincials and Latin citizenship. Veszprem, Hungary town, the administrative center of Veszprém counties. 64.3 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Machinery, textile, chemical, woodworking, food industry. Gothic chapel of 13 century., Baroque bishop's palace (18 in.). Vespucci (Vespucci) Amerigo (1454-1512), explorer. Florentine by birth. Member of several Spanish and Portuguese expeditions (1499-1504) to the shores of South. America, which he called the New World. For the first time suggested that these lands - a new part of the world that Lorraine M. Valdzemyuller cartographer named (1507) named Amerigo Vespucci Amerikoy.VESPUChChI (Vespucci) Amerigo (March 9, 1454, Florence - February 22, 1512, Seville), Italian navigator, one of the discoverers of South America, the Amazon delta, the Gulf of Venezuela, Maracaibo lagoon and Brazilian Highlands; chief pilot (navigator), Spain (1508). The first half of life's journey Born into a family of a notary, Vespucci was home education in the humanities. For a long time he served in the banking house of the Medici. In 1490 he moved to Spain, where he worked as an agent of the same firm in Seville, working primarily equipped ships. Thoroughly studied the device ships, mastered navigation and astronomy, was different maps. In 1492 moved to the Spanish naval service, participated in the second and third gear expedition of Christopher Columbus, who was friends with. Until 1499 Vespucci sailed nowhere. Maiden voyage in 1499-1500 was a navigator in the expedition of Alonso Ojeda (three courts), commanding two ships, equipment at their own expense. In the summer of 1499 the fleet approached the northern coast of South America at 5 ° or 6 ° N latitude, where the split. Vespucci moved to the southeast, July 2, opened the Amazon delta and estuary sleeve Couple boats penetrated up to 100 km. Then he continued sailing south-east to the bay of San Marcos (44 ° W), revealed about 1200 km coastal strip north of South America, the Caribbean Current discovered. From there Vespucci reversed in August caught Alonso Ojeda near 66 ° west longitude. Following the west together, they discovered more than 1,600 km from the southern coast of the mainland peninsula Paraguaná and Guajira, Trieste and bays of Venezuela, Maracaibo lagoon and several islands, including Curacao. Autumn again separated from the Vespucci Ojeda, explored the coast of South America 300 km south-west and returned to Spain in June 1500. The second voyage in 1501-02 Vespucci was in the service of the Portuguese as an astronomer, navigator and historian in the 1st Portuguese expedition Goncalo Coelho's 3 courts. In mid-August 1501 they reached the Atlantic coast of South America at 5 ° 30 'south latitude and went up to 16 °, repeating the opening Bortolome Spaniard Roldan (1500). January 1, 1502 the expedition discovered the bay of Rio de Janeiro (Guanabara), traced the coast 2,000 km to the south-west (up to 25 ° south latitude) and making sure that the land still runs in the same direction, turned back. One caravel arrived in Portugal in late June, the other with Coelho and Vespucci - the beginning of September (the third, dilapidated, had to burn). The third voyage in 1503-04 Vespucci caravel commanded the 2nd expedition Gonçalo Coelho in six courts. At the beginning of August 1503 at the open of Ascension Island (8 ° S), one ship sank, 3 missing. Caravel Coelho and Vespucci reached the bay "All Saints" which we found in a previous voyage in 13 °. Vespucci landed on the orders of the first detachment climbed the steep escarpment of Brazilian Highlands and penetrated 250 miles inland. In the harbor at 23 ° south latitude during the 5-month-old Portuguese built a fleet parking where we left 24 sailor, and with a load of sandalwood returned to Lisbon in late June 1504. The origin of the name "America" and the last years of his life by the voyages along the northern and eastern shores newfound land from Vespucci had the correct idea of her as a transatlantic southern continent, and in 1503, in a letter to his homeland, he proposed to call the New World mainland. In 1507 Lorraine cartographer Martin Waldseemüller attributed to the opening of the "fourth part of the world", made by Columbus, Vespucci and "christened" the continent of America in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. In 1538 it had already recognized the name was extended to the Mercator map, and North America. In 1505, after a second move to Spain, Vespucci was Castilian subjects. In 1508 was appointed to the newly established position of chief pilot of Spain and held it until his smerti.Vespuchchi as lichnost.Po contemporaries, he was extremely honest, intelligent and observant person. With a remarkable literary talent, often exaggerating, Vespucci described the nature of open countries, the appearance and life of the Indians, the starry sky of the southern hemisphere, but are permanently silent about the head of the expedition, and his role in them. Vespucci never claimed the laurels of Columbus, whose sons are also no claims to it does not show. Works: Letters Amerigo Vespucci: Trans. with lat.i Italian. // Brigantine-71. M., 1971.Literatura: Magidovich IP, Magidovich VI Essays on the history of geographical discoveries. M., 1983. T. 2, Ch. 5, 6 and 9.V. I. Magidovich Wessel Hristianovich Nicholas (1837-1906), a Russian teacher and writer. Editor of the journals "Teacher" (1861-64), "Teaching Collection" (1864-1882), "Sincere word" (1885-1900). Works on the theory of pedagogy. WEST (Ger. West), the same as the west. VESTA, in Roman mythology, the goddess of the hearth, a cult which went vestal priestesses. Corresponds to the Greek Hestia. Vesta, one of the largest (diameter 555 km) minor planets (№ 4), opened B. Olbers (Germany, 1807). Vesta distance from the Sun varies from 2.2 to 2.6 as well. e. Vestal, in Dr. Rome priestesses of the goddess Vesta, kept in the temple of the goddess of the sacred fire. Elected from the girls of noble families, were to serve the goddess 30 years observing a vow of celibacy. Vestal, break the vow, live buried in the ground. Westwork (Ger. Westwerk), in Carolingian and Romanesque churches (especially in Germany) transverse structure in the western part of the building (with 2-3 towers, open into the nave galleries and chapels in the choir). The Visigoths (Visigoths), a Germanic tribe, the western branch of the ready. In the beginning. 5. invaded Italy; 410 sacked Rome. In founded in 418 South. Gaul early feudal kingdom of Toulouse (from Gaul in the beginning. 6 in. Superseded by the Franks). In the 5th century. conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula; their state conquered by the Arabs in the beginning. 8. "Westdeutsche LANDESBANK GIROTSENTRALE" (Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale), the central bank of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Founded in 1969 by the merger of "Rheinische girotsentrale und vekselbank" (Düsseldorf) and "Landesbank für Westfalen girotsentrale" (Munster). Board in Dusseldorf. Carries out commercial operations in t. H. Securities. 4 branches in the country, 4 abroad. Affiliated institutions, branches and representative offices in 12 countries (in Vol. H. In Moscow). The total assets of 132.6 billion. German marks (41.7 billion. Dollars. USA) (con. 1980.). WESTERN (from the English. Western - West), a genre of American cinema, also became widespread outside the United States. The plot is drawn westerns, as a rule, from the history of the development of the far West. The term "Western" is also used in relation to American literature adventure genre with the same subjects. VESTERÅLEN (Vesteraalen), the island near the northwest coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula, as part of Norway. Area of 3.6 thousand. Km2. The main islands: Hinn Lange, Anne, Hadsel. Height up to 1266 m. Fjords, peat bogs, meadows. Port Harstad. Fishing. Vasteras, city and port in Sweden, on the lake. Mälaren, the administrative center of the county of Västmanland. 121 thousand. Inhabitants (1993). Electrical industry, nonferrous metallurgy. Westerplatte (Westerplatte), a peninsula in the Bay of Gdansk, at the entrance to the port. In the beginning. 2nd World War, the Polish garrison of Westerplatte (182) 1-7.9.1939 fought heroically against the superior forces of fascist armies and navy. In 1966, a monument to the heroes of Westerplatte Westerplatte. Vestibular disorders, vertigo, imbalance, nausea, etc. During stimulation and vestibular disorders. Vestibular system (from the Latin. Vestibulum - the threshold), sensory organ in vertebrates and man, perceiving change the position of the head and body in space, as well as the direction of movement. Located in the semicircular canals of the inner ear and bags. Westinghouse (Westinghouse), George (1846-1914), American inventor and industrialist. In 1869 received a patent for a pneumatic railway brake. "Westinghouse Electric" (Westinghouse Electric), Electrical Company USA. Founded in 1886. It produces electrical equipment, has a radio and television stations. With sales of 12.5 billion. USD., Net profit 822 million. USD., The number of employees 120 thous. People (con. 1980.). West Indies (Eng. West Indies, letters. - Rec. India), the common name of the islands of the Atlantic approx. between the continents of North. and South. America. Includes the islands: Bahamas, Turks and Caicos B., M. Antilles and others. Most of the island is open during the voyages of Columbus H. (1492-1502), mistook them for part of India. Unlike India (East India) these islands later became known as the West Indies. The total area of the islands approx. 240 thousand. Km2. The population of 35 million. People (1993). Located on the islands: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Haiti, Grenada, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, possession of Great Britain, the Netherlands, France and the United States. West India Company Dutch trading company in 1621-1791. Received from the Dutch States-General a monopoly of trade and colonization in the Americas and West. Africa. Seized part of the territory of Brazil, a number of islands of the West Indies, part of the eastern coast of the North. America (founded was new. Amsterdam). Most of the possessions lost already in the 2nd floor. 17 in. West India Company French trading company in 1664-74, created on the initiative of JB Colbert in order to promote trade and French colonization of North. America and the West. Africa. Played a significant role in the colonization of Canada. West Indies Federation, existed in 1958-62; Great Britain was created as a part of its island possessions in the Caribbean m. (Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Antigua, Montserrat, St. Kitts - Nevis - Anguilla, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent). West Indian Sea (American Mediterranean Sea), the common name of the Caribbean m. And the Mexican room. WESTMINSTER (Westminster), administrative district and one of the historic districts B. London (UK). 176 thousand. Inhabitants (1986). Location of the royal residence, the Parliament and others. Government agencies. Buckingham Palace (19-20 cc.) - The residence of the kings of England. Westminster Abbey (13-19 cc.) - The tomb of the English kings, statesmen, famous people (Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens and others.). Statute of Westminster in 1931, the British Parliament passed. Formalize the decision of the Imperial Conference of 1926 on the independence of the dominions in internal and external affairs, their equality with the metropolis. In fact, Britain retained control over foreign policy dominions, decreases as they develop and strengthen their independence. "Journal of Europe", 1) magazine, 1802-30, Moscow, 2 times a month. Based NM Karamzin. Highlights issues of literature, domestic and foreign policy, social life abroad. 2) The monthly literary and political liberal journal, 1866-1918, St. Petersburg (in 1866-67 to 4 volumes per year). Editor and publisher - MM Stasyulevich (in 1908). "Bulletin of the popular will," Journal of the People, 1883-86, Geneva, 5 rooms. Editors - LA Tikhomirov, MN Oshanina, PL Lavrov. "Bulletin of People's Freedom Party," the weekly magazine of the Cadet Party, 1906-18 (with breaks), St. Petersburg. Closed by a decision of the Soviet leadership. "BULLETIN RUSSIAN Christian movement" religious-philosophical journal, organ Student Christian Movement, since 1949 (and 1974, entitled "Bulletin of Russian Student Christian Movement"), Paris - New York - Moscow. Otvetstvetstvenny editor - NA Struve (1970). "BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION" illegal journal, the organ of the SR party, 1901-05, Paris - Geneva, 4 rooms. Orderly, in the Russian army (navy) soldiers (sailors), are assigned to perform their assignments officer, care for his horse, and others. Vestris (Vestris) Gaetano Apolline Balthazar (1729-1808), an Italian ballet dancer and choreographer. He worked in the "Paris Opera". Successfully combined high dancing skills with a pantomime. WESTPHALIA (Westfalen), a historical region between the rivers Rhine and Weser in Germany (in the early Middle Ages - the territory inhabited Westphalia, the western branch of the Saxons). In 1815-1945 the Prussian province (center - Munster), 1946 North part of the land. Rhine-Westphalia. The Peace of Westphalia in 1648, two peace treaty prepared in Münster and Osnabrück (Westphalia). Concluded the Thirty Years War 1618-48. Sweden was the mouth of almost all navigable rivers North. Germany, France - part of Alsace, with the German princes were actually recognized the right of sovereign princes. Consolidate and strengthen the political fragmentation of Germany. Vest Fjord (Vest Fjord), the strait between the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula and Lofoten you. The length of 203 km, the width of 11 km in the north to 74 km to the south. Fishing of cod and herring. "Balance", a literary and critical monthly magazine, 1904-09, Moscow, publishing house "Scorpion". Body symbolism. It cooperated A. White, V. Bryusov, Blok, M. Voloshin, V. Ivanov. Ivanov, VV Rozanov et al. LIBRA (lat. Libra), zodiacal constellation. Libra, a device for determining the mass of bodies in acting on them the force of gravity. Distinguish scales: model (for calibration weights), laboratory (analytical, microanalytical, assay, and others.) And general purpose; on the principle of action - lever, spring, elektrotenzometricheskie (see. Tensometer), hydraulic and hydrostatic. ALL 1) Finnic tribe in the Lake Ladoga and Belozerye. Agriculture, fisheries. From 9. as part of Kievan Rus. Descendants vesey - Vepsians. 2) The name of a small rural settlement of the Slavs. Vesegonsk, city (with 1776) in the Russian Federation, Tver region., A marina on the Rybinsk Reservoir. Railway station. 9.7 thousand. Residents (1993). Woodworking plant, flax factory and others. Vetal, in Hindu mythology spirits living in cemeteries. Accompany Shiva. Vetemaa (Vetemaa) Anne (b. 1936), an Estonian writer. Cycle "little novels", in Vol. H. "Monument" (1965), "Eggs in Chinese" (1972); stylized arrangement Estonian epic - the novel "Memoirs Kalevipoeg" (1971), the novel "Silver Ribbon" (1977), "Mobius strip" (1985) et al., plays put modern socio-ethical and philosophical issues. WIND air movement relative to the earth surface caused by the uneven distribution of the atmospheric pressure and directed from the high pressure to low. Wind is characterized by speed and direction. The speed is expressed in m / s, km / h, knots, or approximately in points on the Beaufort scale.
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