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Vatagin Gleb Vasilyevich (1899-1986), a Russian physicist. From 1920 - in exile, he lived in Italy. Works on the theory of relativity, quantum field theory, cosmic ray physics, astrophysics. A statistical theory of multiple generation of cosmic rays. Created a scientific school. Vatamanu Ion (b. 1937), the Moldovan poet. Collections of poetry: "The first snowflakes" (1962), "Monologues" (1964), "Among the herbs" (1967), "The Color of apricot" (1971), "The tops of Love" (1981) and others. VATATSUMI no Kami, in Japanese mythology king of the sea, the owner of the marine element. VATATSUMI-no Kuni, in Japanese mythology ocean kingdom, where the palaces of the lord of the seas Vatatsumi no Kami. VATVAT Rashid (1087-1182 or 1177), Persian and Tajik poet. The author of one of the first Farsi manuals on rhetoric and poetics - "The Garden of the Sacraments about the subtleties of poetry." Waterline (from niderl. Water - water and lijn - line), the line of contact between the calm surface of the water with the body floating vessel. Load line gap observed load line coincides with the surface of the water when fully loaded vessel and corresponds to the maximum allowable operating in the sediment. The shape and size of the waterline area delineated it affect the characteristics of propulsion and stability of the vessel. WATERLOO (Waterloo), town in Belgium, south of Brussels. During the "Hundred Days" ok. Waterloo 06/18/1815 Anglo-Dutch troops A. Wellington and Prussian troops GL Blucher defeated the army of Napoleon I. spirit level (niderl. Waterpas), a simple device for checking the horizontal and measure small angles - vertical stand with base (bar) which is attached to plummet. VATICAN CITY (Vaticano), city-state within the capital of Italy - Rome, on the hill of Monte Vaticano. 0.44 km2. The population of approx. 1 thousand. Man. Center of the Catholic Church, the residence of its head - the Pope. Official languages - Latin and Italian. Vatican - a major kapitalovladelets and shareholder of several companies and banks, owns a large estate in Italy, Spain, Germany and Latin American countries. Other important sources of income - Contributions national Catholic churches, production and sale of postage stamps, coins and souvenirs. Currency - Vatican lira (is in use along with the Italian lira). Vatican concentrated the most precious treasures of culture and art. Cathedral of Saint Peter (San Pietro, 15-18 cc.); baroque St. Peter's Square (17 in., L. Bernini); palace complex: Rock Reg (17 in., L. Bernini), Reg Hall (16 in., A. da Sangallo the Younger); Chapel: Paolina (16 in.), the Sistine (15 in., J. Dolci, frescoes by Michelangelo and others.), Nicholas V (15 in.); Borgia Apartments with Raphael Rooms; neighborhood: San Damaso with loggia Rafael Belvedere (16 in., D. Bramante); gardens Casino of Pius IV (16 in., P. Ligorio). Library, art museums. The Vatican called on the eponymous palace, the residence of the Pope, who ruled until 1870 Papal region. Vatican City State was established in 1929 by the Lateran Pacts. Vatican Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church, held in the Vatican. 1st Vatican Council (1869-70) proclaimed the dogma of papal infallibility in matters of faith and morals; confirmed his supremacy in the church. 2nd Vatican Council (1962-65) sought to find ways to overcome the crisis church caused by social changes after the 2nd World War. Actions were identified modernization of worship, organization and policies of the church. Batting, knitted or non-woven fabric (thickness 3-12 mm) made of cotton, wool or fleece-wool yarn. Used as an insulated lining for clothing. Whatman paper for sketching and drawing ink (surface roughness, high resistance to abrasion) handsheets of rag mass. Named for an English industrialist 18. J. Whatman (Uotmen; J. Whatman). VATNAYEKYUDL, volcanic plateau in Iceland, which is the largest glacier covering the country. 8390 km2 ice thickness up to 1000 m. The shallow dome height from 600 to 2000 m. Volcanic eruptions (in Vol. H. Subglacial) cause catastrophic flooding. Vatolin Nicholas A. (b. 1926), the Russian metallurgist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1981). Major works on the physical and chemical fundamentals of metallurgical processes. USSR State Prize (1982, 1991). WATTS, SI unit of power is indicated watts. Named in honor of John. Watt. 1 W = 107 erg / s = 0,102 kg. m / c = 1.36. 3.10 l. p. The technique is widely used multiple units: kilowatt (kW = 1 103 W) and MW (1 MW = 106 W). WATTMETER (from watt meter and ...), electric device for measuring active power (in watts) in DC or AC. Work wattmeter based on the interaction of the windings 2 - current and voltage in series with the load and parallel to it. Watt (Watteau) Antoine (1684-1721) was a French painter and draftsman. In the household and theater stages, ie. N. gallant festivities marked exquisite tenderness colorful nuances trepidation figure, recreated the world of the subtlest emotional states ("The Embarkation for Cythera", 1719-18). Watt-hour, off-system unit of work and energy, denoted by Wh (1 Wh = 3600 J, 1 kWh = 3.6. 106 J). Watt (it. Watten, from niderl. Wadden - coastal shallows), flat low-lying coastal, tidal. WOW, a city in south-western Sudan. Ok. 100 thousand. Residents. Node highways. Shopping center agricultural area (cotton, peanuts, corn, cattle). Factory for the production of dried meat, sawmills, and canned-vegetable plants. VAUPSHASOV Stanislav A. (1899-1976), a scout, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944), Colonel. In 1942-44 commander of the guerrilla unit in the Minsk region. VOUCHER (Eng. Voucher), 1) a document certifying the payment of goods and services (eg., Paid invoice, the repayment expense), loan fees, the receipt of money (receipt), and so on. P. 2) Same as privatization check VAUERMAN (Wouwerman) Phillips (1619-1668), Dutch painter. Genre paintings, landscapes, battle scenes feature entertaining, efficiency, picturesque, subtlety transmission light and air. "Wafd" bourgeois political party in Egypt. Founded in November 1918 S. Zaghlul. Led the national liberation movement in the 20s. 20 in. Its representatives in the 20-50-ies. repeatedly led government. After the July Revolution in Egypt in 1952 dissolved (in 1953). In 1978 was founded (in 1984 legalized) party "New Wafd." CVC is a river in West. Siberia, right tributary of the Ob River. 964 km, the basin area of 76.7 thousand. Km2. Average water consumption 665 m3 / s. Rafting. Navigable for 453 km from the village. Laryak. Nicholas Range, in the south of the Pamirs in Tajikistan and Afghanistan. The length of 160 km, height up to 6281 m. The area of glaciation (the territory of Tajikistan) approx. 96.2 km2. Wakhi people, one of the Pamir peoples. VAHIDIN SUDIROHUSODO (Wahidin Sudirohusodo) (c. 1857-1917), one of the first organizers of the national movement in Indonesia, a doctor. Vahid Erkin (b. 1936), the Uzbek poet, the national poet of Uzbekistan (1985). Collection of lyrical poems of our time "Breath of Dawn" (1962), "Couch youth" (1969), "Rise of Immortals" (1983), "In a minute songs do not tear, the string" (1986) and others. CVC-Cantonment, a city in north-east of Pakistan. 122 thousand. Residents. Engineering and metalworking (Arms Factory), textile, cement, food processing, processing of agricultural products. Crafts: embroidery, handicraft production of artistic products of wood and metal. Sergeant (from it. Wachtmeister), the rank and position of non-commissioned officers in the cavalry and horse artillery in Russian and some foreign armies, as well as the gendarmerie. Wahn, sea fish of the cod family. Length 50 cm, weighs 1.1 kg. In the northern part of the Pacific approx., In Vol. H. In the coastal waters of the Chukchi and Far Eastern seas. Target species. Vakhrameev Vsevolod A. (1912-86), the Russian geologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1979). Proceedings on Mesozoic stratigraphy and paleofloristike. WATCH (from it. Wacht - guard), 1), the main type of duty on ships and vessels, providing them swimming, safety, and the Navy and readiness. Divided into general ship, special, moves and anchor. 2) The period of time during which a change has dress watch (4-6 hours). WATCH (trifol), a genus of perennial herbs of the family of shift. 1 species in the Northern Hemisphere. Grows in bogs. Is used as a choleretic and improves appetite means. Vakhtang I of Iberia (? -502), The king of Iberia (Kartli), famous for fighting for the independence of the Iranian invaders Kartli. Killed in action. The lawmaker Vakhtang VI (1675-1737), the governor, and then the king of Kartli (1703-24). In 1724, deposed the Iranians; emigrated to Russia. Vakhtang law, the Code of Georgia law that legalized the serfdom. Composed in 1705-08 under the guidance of Vakhtang VI. Acted before joining Georgia to Russia (some laws and later). Yevgeny Vakhtangov Bagrationovich (1883-1922), Russian film director, actor, teacher; founder (1913) and Head of Student Drama Studio (1921 3rd Studio MAT, 1926 Theatre. Vakhtangov). In the acting and directing activities on the basis of perceived creatively provisions of Stanislavsky. Proclaimed the "fantastic realism", to create a special theatrical reality, sought to reveal the inner meaning of dramatic works by means of the grotesque: "The Miracle of St. Anthony" M. Maeterlinck (1916; 2nd edition - 1921), "Erik XIV" JA Strindberg (1921), and others. expressionistic staging plays mystical S. An-sky (SA Rapoport) "Gadibuk" (Studio "Habima", Moscow) and festive "Princess Turandot" Gozzi (3rd Studio MAT) - both 1922. NAME Vakhtangov Theatre, founded in 1921 as the 3rd studio MAT based Student Drama Studio, Vakhtangov organized in 1913. Since 1926 Theater. Vakhtangov. Since 1956 academic. Imbued with the spirit of modernity, characterized by brightness and sharpness setting form its creator laid the foundation for further creative search of the theater. In 1939-68 chief director RN Simonov, in 1968-87 - ER Simonov, 1987 artistic director Mikhail Ulyanov. Wachter Porfirevich Basil (1853-1924), a Russian teacher, leader of public education. Works on the theory of pedagogy, teaching methodology in primary school textbooks. Vakhtin Boris (1930-81), the Russian writer. Son VF Panova. In 1964 founded the Leningrad literary group "Citizens". Work (novel "One absolutely happy village", 1965, "Sheepskin", 1979) were distributed mainly in samizdat. In prose, marked by a masterful job with the word, combines irony and tragedy. Vakhushta BAGRATIONI (c. 1696-1784), a Georgian historian, geographer and lexicographer. Son of Vakhtang VI. Grandfather Bagration. Since 1724 in Moscow. The main work of "Sakartvelos tskhovreba" - historical, historical and geographical description of Georgia. Wahhabis, followers of religious and political movements in Islam that emerged in the Center. Arabia (Najd); founder Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-87). Advocating for the purification of Islam, the Wahhabis preached simplicity of manners, fought for the union of Arabia. Wahhabism - the official ideology of Saudi Arabia. Vakhsh River in Tajikistan, the right component of the Amu Darya. 524 km, the basin area of 39.1 thousand. Km2. Formed by the confluence of the rivers and Kyzylsu Muksu and flows under the name Surkhob below confluence. Obihingou gets the name of the Vakhsh. The average water flow of 660 m3 / s. In the Vakhsh valley is used for irrigation. Navigable in the lower reaches. On the Vakhsh - the Nurek, Head HPP, etc .; of Nurek and others. Vakhsh valley, valleys between the middle and lower reaches of the river. Vakhsh in Tajikistan. The length of 110 km, the width of 7-25 km height from 400 to 1200 m. In the Vakhsh valley - irrigation systems. Long-staple cotton crops. Fruit. Vakhsh Range in western Tajikistan, stretches along the left bank of the middle reaches of the river. Vakhsh. Length approx. 80 km. Height up to 3141 m. The semi-deserts and steppes. ACV, a city in Hungary, a port on the Danube. 33.8 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Electrical, cement, textile, chemical industry, shipbuilding. Vatsetis (Vacietis) Joachim (1873-1938), commander, commander of the 2nd rank (1935). In the 1st world war commander of the 5th Latvian Zemgale Regiment, which at the time of the October Revolution defected to the Soviet regime. In 1918 the commander of Latvian Infantry Division, headed liquidation Dovbor Musnitski-insurgency and Left Socialist-Revolutionary mutiny, Commander of the Eastern Front; in 1918-19 Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic. Proceedings of strategy and military history. repressed; posthumously rehabilitated. Mihaly utca (1924-70), Hungarian poet. Compilations "Cornice" (1955), "The Power of the poor" (1964), "Acacia in the Wind" (1966), "The Son of the people" (1970) about the modern Hungarian life. Vacietis (Vacietis) Oyarc (1933-83), Latvian poet, People's Poet of the Latvian SSR (1977). Verses "on fire" (1958), "The Shadow" (1966), "Gamma" (1976), "Anthracite" (1978), "Spelling lightning" (1980) civil and philosophical reasons. USSR State Prize (1982). VACLAV II (1271-1305), king of Bohemia from 1283 to 1300. Poland, Hungary, from 1301, of the Přemyslid dynasty. Strengthened royal power, patronage of German colonization. VACLAV IV (1361-1419), king of Bohemia from 1378, the Emperor "Holy Roman Empire" in 1378-1400, of the Luxembourg dynasty. Deposed from the imperial throne Electors. Some time supported the reform efforts of J. Huss. VACLAV Holy (c. 907-935 or 936), Czech prince with 924, of the genus Přemyslid. Contributed to the spread of Christianity (in the Catholic rite). Killed by conspirators. Declared Church "Saint", the patron of the Czech Republic. Vatsuro Vadim Erazmovich (b. 1935), the Russian literary critic. Studies on Russian literature of the 1st floor. 19 in. (in Vol. h. of Pushkin, Lermontov, AA Delvig, DV Davydov), about the literary life of Pushkin's time. Vach (Skt. Word), the Vedic goddess of speech, words and wisdom. Vacha, urban-type settlement in the Russian Federation, Nizhniy Novgorod region., 35 km from the railway Art. Metalist. 7.5 thousand. Inhabitants (1989). Vintage (17 in.), The center of production of metal products. Vachnadze Natalia (NATO) G. (1904-53), the Georgian actress, People's Artist of Georgia (1941). Filmed in the movies: "pillory", "The Last Masquerade", "Golden Valley" and others. USSR State Prize (1941). Died in a plane crash. Vasvár Pal (1826-49), Hungarian politician, historian, head (with S. Petofi) uprising in Pest during the Revolution of 1848-49 in Hungary. Promoted the ideas of utopian socialism. Killed in battle with the Austrian troops. WASHINGTON, capital of the United States. In the official boundaries - District of Columbia. 607 thousand. Inhabitants (1990), with the suburbs 3.8 million. Inhabitants. Friendship International Airport. The main part of the population is employed in the public service in the field of services, trade and finance. Food, printing, military industry. Metropolitan. The National Academy of Sciences. Library of Congress. Universities. Founded in 1791. It is named after the first president George. Washington. From 1800 the capital of the United States. Capitol (Congress building, 1793-1865), the White House (residence of the President, 1792-1829), the National Museum of the United States, the National Air and Space Museum. National Gallery of Art, art galleries Freer, Corcoran et al. WASHINGTON (Washington), a state in the western United States. The area of 176.6 thousand. Km2. The population of 5.2 million. People (1993). Adm. c. - Olympia. WASHINGTON Henry Stevens (1867-1934), American petrography and geochemist, foreign corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1932). Proceeding on the method of chemical analysis of rocks and chemical classification. Together with F. Clark studied the prevalence of chemical elements in the earth's crust. WASHINGTON (Washington) Denzel (b. 1954) is an American actor. The most famous black actor in Hollywood of the 1990s. Received an excellent theater education, worked in theaters and on television. In the cinema in 1981. He received the award "Oscar" for his role in E. Zwick "Glory" (1989). One of the most important in his career was the title role in Spike Lee's "Malcolm X" (1992) about the African-American Muslim leader. George Washington (1732-99), 1st president of the United States (1789-97), chief of the army of the colonists in the Revolutionary War in the North. America 1775-83. Chairman of the Convention (1787) on the development of the US Constitution. Advocated the preservation of the United States of neutrality with respect to the rivalry between the European powers. Refused to run for president for the third time. WASHINGTON (Washington) George (February 22, 1732, Wakefield, Virginia - December 14, 1799, Mount Vernon, ibid), American statesman and military leader, 1st President of the United States (1789-97) .From the planter to commander born in the family planter. At age 11, lost his father; the formation of his personality had a significant impact older half-brother Lawrence. Got home education, to educate ourselves. Since 1749 was a surveyor Culpepper County. After his brother's death in 1752 inherited the estate of Mount Vernon. In 1752 became a major local militia, during the Seven Years' War took part in hostilities against the French troops, during which excelled and was promoted to colonel. In 1759 he married a young widow Martha Dandridge Custis. In 1758-74, Washington was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Virginia. He criticized the British colonial policy, promoted a boycott of British goods, but frowned upon perceived violence, similar to the "Boston Tea Party" (1773). In 1774-75 was one of the representatives of Virginia in the Continental Congress. Washington soon realized the futility of attempts at reconciliation with the mother country, and after the first armed clashes ostentatiously dressed in military uniforms. In June 1775 unanimously elected commander in chief of the army, led throughout the War of Independence in North America 1775-83. Create an army virtually from scratch, he went with her a long way from the siege of Boston (1776), for which he was awarded the commemorative gold medal by Congress, before the surrender of British forces at Yorktown (1781). In November 1783, after the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty, folded his polnomochiya.Pervy President Based in Mount Vernon, Washington remained the focus of public and political attention. Supporter of strengthening the central government, he was elected president of the Constitutional Convention, developed in the 1787 Constitution of the United States. The popularity and unquestioned authority of Washington led his election to the presidency, which he won on April 30, 1789. In 1792 he was unanimously re-elected for another term. In this role, Washington has sought to implement the Constitution, promoted the establishment of controls, lapping mechanisms of the three branches of government, laid the foundations of the US political system. In its first government Washington included the leaders of warring political factions - Republican Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton's Federalist. Were adopted and initiated programs developed by Hamilton to stabilize the financial and industrial development of the country at odds with the intentions of the Republicans. The transition from the non-partisan position of the president to support the Federalists led to the aggravation of the political situation. In relations with the indigenous population, Washington relied on military force, forcing the Indians to give up a lot of territory. The presentations in 1794 western Pennsylvania farmers protesting government tax policy ("Whiskey Rebellion"), the president did not hesitate to suppress the first-ever challenge to the state vlasti.V Washington foreign policy advocated non-interference in the US confrontation between the European powers by issuing a proclamation of neutrality in 1793. Jay Treaty, signed in November 1794 the special representative of the president, to eliminate the threat of war with Great Britain, but in fact split the country into two camps. Was more favorable attitude to the agreement Pinckney 1795 to establish the boundaries between the US and Spanish possessions, and finally offer Americans the right to freedom of navigation on the Mississippi. "Father of the Nation," a sort of testament Washington was "farewell letter", published on September 19, 1796. In it, the outgoing President urged citizens to strengthen the union of states, not to undermine the foundations of the constitution and the political system, to avoid the "pernicious influence of party spirit." Washington also bequeathed "to maintain peace and harmony with all countries" to develop trade relations with them, but have "as little as possible of political connections." The latter provision was the basis of the policy of isolationism. The role of "father of the nation" is the best answer ambition of Washington and was played with them dostoinstvom.Poslednie years of his life took place in Washington Mount Vernon family and numerous visitors. The authority of the former president was in demand again in the period of sharp deterioration of relations with France in the summer of 1798, when Washington was appointed commander of the US Army with the rank of lieutenant general. December 12, 1799, making the traditional detour top of their possessions, Washington was hit by rain and snow, cold and died two days later. December 18, he was buried in Mount Vernone.Avtor funeral resolution Congress General G. Lee described Washington as "first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of citizens." In honor of Washington called the capital of the country, state, lake and island, mountain and canyon, a lot of towns, colleges and universities, streets and squares. In 1888 in the US capital was inaugurated majestic monument (more than 150 m in height) first American prezidentu.Literatura: Yakovlev N. Washington. M., 1973.The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources 1745-1799 / Ed. by J. C. Fitzpatrick. Washington, 1931-1944. V. 1-39.Freeman DS George Washington: A Biography. New York, 1948-1957. V. 1-7.Flexner GT George Washington: A Biography. Boston, 1965-1972. V. 1-4.Fereing J. E. The First of Men. A Life of George Washington. Knoxwille (Tn.), 1988.V. N. Pleshkou "Washington Post" ("Washington Post"), daily newspaper in the United States. Founded in 1877. Washington Conference 12 .11.1921-6.2.1922, Conference USA, UK, China, Japan, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal; fixed created after the 1st World War balance of power in the bass. Quiet ok., Suitable for the United States. The most important decisions of the Washington conference of the Four Powers Agreement, the Treaty of five powers, Nine-Power Pact. Soviet Russia was not invited to the conference. The Delegation of the Far Eastern Republic, who arrived in Washington, the conference was not allowed. Vasco, a river in the north of European Russia, a left tributary of the Mezen. 605 km catchment area of 21 thousand. Km2. The average water consumption of approx. 203 m3 / s. Navigable for 288 km from the marina Ust-Vacherga. Vashkovtsy, city (1940) in Ukraine, Chernivtsi region. Railway station. 5.9 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Cannery, production of artistic goods. Vashlovani Reserve, in eastern Georgia. Founded in 1935. The area of 8034 hectares. Pistachio, juniper. Lots of pomegranate wood. Brown bear, striped hyena, rock partridge, turtle dove. 18 species of amphibians and reptiles. WJA, in Vedic and Hindu mythology, the god of air space and the wind, the father of the Maruts. Move to the chariot. Sculpture, the same as sculpture. In a narrow sense - carving, carving sculptures out of solid materials. VAYANSKY Svetozar (1847-1916), Slovak writer. The collection of poems "Tatras and the Sea" (1880) a protest against national oppression; novel about the life of Slovak society apex ("Dry Branch", 1884; "Kotlin", 1901). INTRODUCTION (Presentation in the Temple of Our Lady), one of the twelve great religious holidays. Vvedenskaya Alexander Ivanovich (1888-1946), the ideologist and Metropolitan Renovationist Russian church. Vvedenskaya Alexander Ivanovich (1856-1925), a Russian philosopher, the largest representative of Russian Neo-Kantianism. Chairman of the St. Petersburg Philosophical Society (1897-1917). Writings on psychology and logic. Vvedenskaya Boris A. (1893-1969), a Russian radio physicist, academician of the USSR (1943), Hero of Socialist Labor (1963). Basic works on radiowave propagation VHF. Chief editor of TSB (1951-69). USSR State Prize (1952). Vvedenskaya Irinarch Ivanovich (1813-55), the Russian public figure. From 1842 he taught Russian literature at the St. Petersburg military schools. Organizer mug raznochintsy Youth (Vvedenskiy circle). Translator Charles Dickens and others. English writers. Vvedenskaya Alekseevskii (1852-1922), a Russian physiologist, founder of scientific school, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1908). Investigated the patterns of tissue response to various stimuli, developed the theory of optimum and pessimum stimulus, discovered the law of the relative lability of the functional tissues. Developed the idea of the unity of nature and parabiosis excitation and inhibition. Vvedenskaya CIRCLE, literary and political circle plebeian youth in St. Petersburg con. 40 - early. 50s. 19 in., Met in the house of Ivan Vvedensky (up to 20 people, in Vol. H. NGChernyshevsky, GE Blagosvetlov et al.). Ideologically close Petrashevists. Introductory words, words, syntactically unrelated to supply and expresses the attitude of the speaker to be reported ("fortunately", "unfortunately"), an overall assessment of the reported ("may," "of course"), an indication of the source of the message ("in my opinion "" supposedly "), or the ratio between the parts of the message (" the way "," last "). Leading tone in the music - the sound is located at a second up or down from the stage I fret and tending to her. Particularly intense gravity has subtonic, distant from the stage I semitone; he has the Dominant function (see. Dominant). Cinematography, see. Institute of Cinematography. VDOVENKO Viktor Mikhailovich (1907-78), the Russian radiochemist, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958). Proceedings on radioactive elements and their compounds. Widow, a subfamily of the family Ploceidae birds. 9 species in the savannas of Africa. The most famous paradise widow (total length approx. 40 cm, tail approx. 30 cm). Webb (Webb) Sydney (1859-1947) and Beatrice (1858-1943), English economist, historian of the labor movement, the ideologues of trade unionism, and so on. N. Fabian socialism wife. Sydney - one of the organizers and leaders "of the Fabian Society." He was a Labour government (1924, 1929-31). Weber, the SI unit of magnetic flux and flux. Denoted by Wb, named in honor of W. Weber. 1 Wb = 1 = 108 Tl.m2 Maxwell. WEBER, Banda Trench in the Banda Sea. Located to the west of the island arc M. Sunda Islands. The length of 430 km, the average width of 126 km maximum depth of 7440 m. Weber, German scientists, brothers: 1) Ernest Henry (1795-1878), anatomist and physiologist, foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1869). One of the founders of experimental psychology. Study the physiology of the senses (hearing, vision, skin sensations) formed the basis of the law of Weber - Fechner. Together with his brother Edward found an inhibitory effect of the vagus nerve on the heart. 2) William Edward (1804-91), a physicist, a foreign corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1853). Proceedings on electricity and magnetism; Developed in conjunction with KF Gauss absolute system of electric and magnetic units. Its named after a unit of magnetic flux. 3) Edward (1806-71), a physiologist. Found that the strength of the muscle depends on the area of its cross-section; determined the pulse wave velocity. Weber (Weber), Alfred (1868-1958), a German economist and sociologist. Brother Weber. Developed the concept of the sociology of history and culture, on which the course of history is determined by a process of spiritual creativity, ongoing intellectual elite. WEBER Joseph (1908-85), German political and social activist. Former military personnel. Opposed militarism and revanchism and neo-Nazism, the deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe. International Lenin Prize (1985). Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826), German composer and conductor, music critic. The founder of German Romantic opera. 10 operas ("Der Freischütz", 1821; "Euryanthe", 1823; Oberon ", 1826), virtuoso concert pieces for piano (" Invitation to the Dance, "1819;" Concert "for piano and orchestra, 1821), and others. WEBER Max (1864-1920), a German sociologist, historian, economist and lawyer. Brother A. Weber. Weber The methodology, which is based on the neo-Kantian epistemology, the distinction between empirical knowledge and values, the concept of "understanding" by which social action is explained through the interpretation of the individual motivation, theory of ideal types - abstract and arbitrary mental constructions of history. He played against Marxism. At the origin of Western European capitalism has a crucial role to Protestantism. Major works: "The Agrarian History of the Ancient World", "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism", "Economy and Society" . the heat flux meter (fluxmeter) device for determining the change of the magnetic flux on the electromotive force induced in the measuring coil; calibrated in Weber. Webern (Webern) Anton von (1883-1945), Austrian composer, conductor. Representative of the new Viennese school. Musical and aesthetic views were formed under the influence of natural philosophy Goethe and Christian ethics. Limit laconic means of expression evokes a feeling of unreality sublime images. Cantatas, symphony (1923), instrumental ensembles, songs, etc.. Weberian apparatus, system mobility of the joint bones connecting the swim bladder to the inner ear in some bony fishes. Involved in the perception of sound, transmits changes in the volume of the swim bladder (with vertical movements of fish) to the inner ear. Named for EH Weber. Webi Shabelle river in Ethiopia and Somalia. 2490 km. Used for irrigation is lost in the swamps of 40 km from the coast of the Indian approx. The average water consumption of approx. 320 m3 / s. On the banks of the Webi Shabelle extend gallery forests. Veblen (Veblen) Thorstein (1857-1929), American economist and sociologist. Founder of institutionalism in the western political economy. A supporter of social Darwinism. Special role in social development assigned the technical intelligentsia. Veblen's ideas became the basis of the various theories of technocracy. Webster (Webster) (Webster) Charles Kingsley (1886-1961), English historian. In 1950-54, President of the British Academy. Major works on the history of British foreign policy. Webster DICTIONARY see. Webster's dictionaries. Vevey, (Vevey), a climatic health resort in Switzerland, on the northern shore of Lake Geneva., At the confluence. Vevez, south-east of Lausanne. Architectural monuments of 15-18 centuries. Tourism. Festivals of classical music.
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