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Bucharest peace (28 .5.1812, Bucharest), completed the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-12. By retreating Russian Bessarabia and a number of areas of the Caucasus. Confirmed the privileges of Moldavia, Wallachia, provided the internal self-government of Serbia and the right to the protection of Russia Christians - subjects of Turkey. Signed by Kutuzov on the eve of the invasion of Napoleon I in Russia, the world Bucharest ensured the safety of its southern borders. Treaty of Bucharest in 1913, completed the 2nd Balkan War (see. The Balkan wars of 1912-13). Treaty of Bucharest in 1918, between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, on the one hand, and Romania - on the other. Romania ceded the Austro-Hungarian border areas (approx. 6 thousand. Km2), South returned. Dobrudja Bulgaria (over North. Dobrogea was established condominium unit powers German). Canceled the Treaty of Versailles, 1919, University of Bucharest, Romania, was founded in 1864. In 1991 St. 7 thousand. Students. BUKHARIN Nikolai Ivanovich (1888-1938), politician, academician of the USSR (1928). Member of the October Revolution of 1905-07 and 1917. In 1917-18 the leader of the "Left Communists." In 1918-29 editor of the newspaper "Pravda", while in 1919-29 a member of the Executive Committee of the Comintern. In 1929-32 a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of National Economy of the USSR, from 1932 a member of the board of the People's Commissariat. In 1934-37 editor of "Izvestia". Member of the Party Central Committee in 1917-34. Politburo member in 1924-29. Candidate member of the Central Committee Organizing Bureau in 1923-24. Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Central Executive Committee of the USSR. In the context. 20-ies. opposed the use of contingency measures during the collectivization and industrialization, which was declared a "right-leaning in the All-Russian Communist Party (b)." Works on philosophy and political economy. repressed; posthumously rehabilitated. Bukharan People's Soviet Republic (BNSR), established 08.10.1920; occupied the territory of the former Emirate. 18.2 thousand. Km2. The population of 2.2 million. People. Capital - Bukhara. 19.09.1924 transformed to Bukhara SSR. Bukhara region in Uzbekistan. 143.4 thousand. Km2. Population 1,232 thous. People (1992). Adm. c. - Bukhara. BUKHARA Soviet Socialist Republic, 09/19/1924 transformed from Bukhara People's Soviet Republic. In the national delimitation area Bukhara SSR in October 1924 entered the Turkmen SSR, Uzbek SSR and Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Emirate, the state Avg. Asia in 1747-1920, since 1868 a vassal of the Russian Empire. Capital - Bukhara. Emirs of the dynasty of the manga. 07/02/1920 revolution with the help of the Red Army overthrew the emir, 10/08/1920 proclaimed Bukharan People's Soviet Republic. Bukhara Khanate, the state Avg. Asia in the 16-18 centuries. (name arose after the transfer of the capital of the state Sheibanids Bukhara). The greatest territorial expansion and political influence received at Abdullah Khan II in 1557-98. Weakened dynasty Ashtarkhanids (Dzhanidov). In 1740 conquered by Nadir Shah. From 1747 called Bukhara Emirate. Bukhvostau Sergei L. (1659-1728), an associate of Peter I, first recorded in "funny", enlisted in 1687 in the Preobrazhensky Regiment; Major artillery, a member of the Azov campaigns and the Great Northern War. Bukhvostau Yakov, a Russian architect con. 17 in. Land. Church in. Hats, Moscow region. (1694-97), the Assumption Cathedral in Ryazan (1693-99) - a brick with white stone details in the Naryshkin Baroque. Accountants (from it. Buch - book and halten - hold), 1) accounting ... 2) structural subdivisions of enterprises and institutions engaged in accounting. Financial statements, the system status indicators and means of economic and financial activity of the enterprise (organization, institution) for the period (month, quarter, year); made according to accounting. ACCOUNTING, one kind of economic accounting; based on the documents reflected a continuous interconnected facilities and operations in the form of money. When used accounting balance accounting, inventory and documentation, assessment and costing, accounts and double entry accounting. Accounting is conducted by the same rules and forms, which allows then to generalize its data using statistics. Buchholz Benedict L. (1900-33), a Russian military pilot, test pilot. Participated in the development of methodological textbook on the U-1, which formed the basis of the course of flight training; first performed a complex experiment in the air to determine the effectiveness of the method of outputting a corkscrew flying boat "Savoy-16." He died on the way. Buchenwald (Buchenwald), the German Nazi concentration camp near Weimar in 1937-45. In Buchenwald was destroyed 56 thousand. Prisoners. In 1958 in the Buchenwald memorial complex. At Bucher. H., see. WH Bucher Buchis, in Egyptian mythology, the god of Germont, read in the image of a black bull. Buchner (Buchner) Edward (1860-1917), German chemist and biochemist. Proceedings of organic chemistry. 1897 found that alcohol fermentation may take place in a cell-free extract of yeast, t. E. Without the integrity of the cells. This discovery marked the beginning of the isolation and study of enzymes. Nobel Prize (1907). Bucholz (Buchholtz) Andreas Heinrich (1607-71), German poet spiritual. Transcriptions of the Psalms, the book "A Christmas Carol" (1640). BAY (it. Bucht), part of the reservoir separate from the open waters of the coast or islands segments. Buhtarme river in the Altai, a right tributary of the Irtysh. 336 km, the basin area of 12,660 km2. Average water consumption 214 m3 / s. Rafting. Katernoe shipping. Bukhtarma masons, Russian settlers 18-19 centuries. (Gornozavodsk peasants Old Believers escaped convicts) in Buhtarminsky cr. Settled in inaccessible wilderness, engaged in agriculture. In 1790, voluntarily submitted to the government in 1878 enrolled in the peasants. Part of the settlement, unknown to the authorities, continued until the October Revolution. Bukhtarma EDGE, the historical name of the south-eastern Altai (eg. The name of the stone) in the bass. Bukhtarma rivers and Narym (now in the East Kazakhstan region. Kazakhstan). Preimage Belovodye Russian folk legends. In the 18th century. populated Bukhtarma masons. Bukhtarma reservoir on the river. Irtysh in East. Kazakhstan. Formed by the dam of the same name HPP. Completed in 1960-67. Area (s backwater lake. Zaisan) 5490 km2, the water volume of 49.6 km3, the length of 425 km, the maximum width of 35 km. Shipping. Used for irrigation. Fishing. BUTSATTI (Buzzati) Dino (1906-72), Italian writer. In the novel "The Tartar Steppe" (1940; film "Desert of Tatarstan", 1976, Italian director V. Dzurlini), a collection of short stories "The seven messengers" (1942), "Kolombr" (1966) created a vicious surreal world (acting according to the laws of organized absurdity ), populated by heroes - prisoners of their ideas, unable to fit into the accepted parameters of existence. BUTSEVICH Alexander (1849-85), one of the leaders of the military organization "People's Will", a member of its Executive Committee (since 1882), Navy lieutenant. The organizer of the People's Freedom military circles and dynamite workshop in St. Petersburg. In 1883, sentenced to penal servitude for life. Died in Schlusselburg fortress. Bucer (Bucer or Butzer) Martin (1491-1551), leader of the Protestant Reformation, was originally a Dominican monk, and then associate Luther. Since 1523, in Strasbourg, from 1549 in England, a professor at Cambridge. Influenced Calvin (the doctrine of the Eucharist and predestination). Bouchard (French. Boucharde), tetrahedral metal hammer, two shock surface is covered with pyramidal teeth. It is used for stone sculptors. Buchach, a city in Ukraine, Ternopil region. Railway station. 13.3 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Food and other enterprises. Known since 1397. The Town Hall (18 in.). Buchachenko Anatoly Leonidovich (b. 1935), the Russian chemist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1987). Studies on the physical chemistry of free radicals, magnetic-spin effects in chemical reactions, chemical physics, destruction and stabilization of polymers. Lenin Prize (1986), the USSR State Prize (1977). BUCHZHOUSHAN (Ch. Neprolnaya Mountain), in Chinese mythology the mountain that supports the sky. During its destruction began the great flood. Buchma Maksimilianovich Ambrose (1891-1957), Ukrainian actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1944). On stage since 1905, since 1936 in the Ukrainian Theater. Franco (Kiev). Starred in the films "Night cab driver," "Unbroken" and others. USSR State Prize (1941, 1949). BUSH (Busch), Wilhelm (1832-1908), German poet and artist. Humorous series of drawings, accompanied by his poems ("Max and Moritz", 1865); criticized the townsfolk and clergy ("Pious Helen", 1872). Bush (Bush) George Herbert Walker (b. 1924), the 41st president of the United States (1989-93), from the Republican Party. In 1967-70 a member of the House of Representatives. In 1971-75 in various diplomatic posts. In 1976-77 director of the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1981-89, US Vice President. BUSH Ivan (1771-1843), the founder of the first Russian surgical school, author of the first Russian manual on surgery. BUSH Adol'fovich Nicholas (1869-1941), a Russian botanist, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1925; corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1920). Proceedings on botanical geography of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. BUSH (Busch), Hans (1884-1973), German physicist, founder of the electron optics. Opened (1926) focusing effect of the magnetic field on charged particles and developed a magnetic electron lens. BUSH (Busch) Ernst (1885-1945), the German commander, Field Marshal (1943). During the 2nd World War II commander of the 16th Army in the French campaign and on the Soviet-German front in 1943-44 - Army Group "Center" on the Soviet-German front, in 1945 - the troops in the north-west of Germany. BUSH Ernst (1900-80), a German singer. Artist of the revolutionary workers and songs. Collaborated with Bertolt Brecht. Of Nazi concentration camps and prisons. In 1950-60 actor "Berliner Ensemble". International Lenin Prize (1972). Bouchard (Bouchardat) Gustave (1842-1918), French chemist. Major works on patience and sugar. First received a synthetic rubber-product of isoprene. BUSHVELDSKY COMPLEX (Bushveld), a large intrusive massif (Lopolith; approx. 67 thous. Km2) with unique reserves of platinum and chrome; the territory of the Republic of South Africa (prov. Transvaal). Development since 1919. Stocks Pt 62,5 thous. Tons of chromite approx. 3 billion. Ie, V2O5 7,8 Mill. T, Au 1100 m, Ni 23 million. T, Cu 10 million. M. Boucher (Boucher), Jean (1476-1557 or 1559) was a French writer. Each Rabelais belonged to the school of "great rhetoricians" (literary school con. 15 - Ser. 16 cc., Difficult to cultivate an organized form of the work). Allegory of the "Labyrinth of Fortune" (1522), a collection of "Message of edifying and family" (1545). Boucher (Boucher) Francois (1703-70) was a French painter. The representative of the Rococo. Decorative graceful mythological and pastoral scenes, landscapes, sketches for tapestries. Boucher (Boucher), François (1885-1966), French historian costume. Honorary Director of the Museum Carnavalet in Paris, director of the Center for the Study of Costume, author of the study "History of Western Costume" (1966). BU (Eng. Bushel), measure the volume of liquids and solids in the system of British measures. 1 bushel (British) = 36.3687 dm3, 1 bushel (US) = 35.2393 dm3. Jacket, 1) the type of uniforms sailors and junior officers in the Russian Navy - double-breasted woolen jacket black ... 2) Winter Workwear ordinary artillery depots of the Russian army in the context. 19 - early. 20th century ... 3) kapok jacket - personal flotation device, used in a number of the Navy - quilted on kapok (not water wettable fiber fruit of a tropical tree) jacket; replaced by a rubber inflatable vest. Bushmaster (surukuku) Pit viper snake family. Length up to 3.7 m (including venomous snakes - the second largest in the world fauna). In the equatorial America, in tropical rain forests, usually near water. Active at night. Egg-laying. The number is reduced in many areas. Bushman RACE (South African race), part of the great equatorial (Negro-Australoid) race. Characterized by very low growth, lighter than other Negroid, leather, narrow nose, rather flat face and flattened tolerated, epicanthus, steatopyga cases. Distributed in south-east Africa (Bushmen). Some anthropologists consider the Bushman race as one of the great races of mankind. Bushman LANGUAGES family Khoisan languages. The main groups: kung, ngusan, Aouni, khomani, Hadza (Huts). Unwritten. Bushmen (from niderl. Bosjesman, letters. - Forest people) people, indigenous people South. and east. Africa. Pushed to the 16-19 centuries. Bantu people in the desert areas of Namibia (85 thousand. man, 1992), Botswana (35 thous. people), Angola (8 th. people) and Zimbabwe (1 thousand. people). Refer to the Bushman race. Bushman languages. Retain traditional beliefs. Bushmina Alex S. (1910-83), the Russian literary critic, academician of the USSR (1979). Books about Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. Fadeev, the methodology of literary criticism. Bushnov Michael I. (b. 1923), Russian actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1985). On the scene since 1951. Since 1962 in Rostov-on-Don Drama Theater. Maxim Gorky. BOWSPRIT (from the English. Bowsprit), horizontal or inclined beams protruding stem of the sailing vessel. Serves mainly for fastening bow sails. Bush Konstantin Davidovich (1914-78), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1960), Hero of Socialist Labor (1957). Major works of applied dynamics, theory of strength. Soviet technical director of the project APAS. Lenin Prize (1960), the USSR State Prize (1951, 1976). Buenaventura (Buenaventura), city and main port of Colombia, on the Pacific approx. 174 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Tanning extract production. Founded in 1540 in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina. In the official boundaries - Federal Capital Territory. 2960000. Inhabitants (1991), with the suburbs 11.8 million. Inhabitants. Major transportation hub and seaport of the country (20 million turnover. Tons per year). Ezeiza International Airport. The main industrial center (St. 50% of the country's industrial output). Engineering, oil refining, chemical, light and food industries. Metropolitan. Universities. Academy of Sciences, National History Museum, Ethnographic Museum, and others. Opera "Colon" - the largest in Latin America. Founded in 1536 (according to other sources, in 1535). In 1776 the capital of the Viceroyalty of La Plata, in 1816-26 - the United Provinces of La Plata, in 1880 the official capital of the Republic of Argentina. Church of the 18th century., Grand trunk con. 19-20 centuries. BUENOS AIRES (Buenos Aires), a province in Argentina. 307.8 thousand. Km2. The population of 12.2 million. People (1986). Adm. c. - La Plata. Buyalsky Ilya Vasilyevich (1789-1866), a Russian surgeon and anatomist, one of the founders of topographic anatomy. Created anatomical and surgical tables, proposed methods of surgical treatment of vascular aneurysms, embalming corpses freezing. Buyannemekh Sonombalzhiryn (1902-37), the Mongolian writer. Plays and poems; allegorical story "Goldfish, streamed into distant lands" (1927); story "Pastoralists Tovuuday" (1936); literary and art works. BUYANOV Roman A. (b. 1927), the Russian chemist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1981). Proceedings on catalysis, study of the properties of catalysts and the scientific basis of their preparation. Lenin Prize (1960). Bhabha X. D., see. Baba H. D. bhavachakra (Skt. Being wheel), the Buddhist idea of the endless chain of rebirths. Bhavnagar city in western India, a port on the Arabian m., NY. Gujarat. 401 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Textile, food and chemical industries. Near Bhavnagar - salt production. Bhaga (Skt. Share ownership) in Vedic mythology deity that brings prosperity. One adityas. "Bhagavad Gita", a monument to religious and philosophical thought Dr. India, part of the 6th book of the "Mahabharata", originated in the middle. 1st millennium. BC. e., the philosophical basis of Hinduism. The main way to "liberate" - Moksha in the "Bhagavad Gita" is considered karma yoga - the yoga of action, including a selfless performance of their duties. Bhagavatam (Skt. Blessed), in Hinduism epithet good deities, especially of Vishnu; Buddhism is one of the epithets of the Buddha. Bhagavatam (Skt. Blessed), South India goddess diseases that cajole victims. Bhagavata, one of the names Vaishnavism. Bhagalpur, a city in the eastern part of India, p. Ganges, pcs. Bihar. 255 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Processing of agricultural products. Sericulture Research Institute and the Experimental Station. BHAYSHADZHYAGURU (Skt. Physician-teacher), in Mahayana Buddhism is one of the Buddhas, living in paradise and the healing of the soul. Bhakti (Skt., Letters. - Loyalty, love of God), a religious movement in Hinduism; based on it developed the national sectarian Bhakti movement in India, mainly in the 12-17 centuries. Bhakti proclaimed the equality of all people before God, denied their division into castes. Sikhism emerged from bhakti. BHAMAHA, Indian scientist 2nd floor. 7. Treatise "Poetic jewelry" in Sanskrit. Bharati, Old Aryan tribe. Entered into an alliance of tribes kuru, which united with Pancala, created the first large state in India (Approx. 7 in. BC. E.). Tradition "of the descendants of Bharata" Kauravas and Pandavas were the basis of the Indian epic "Mahabharata". Name territory Bharata - Bharatavarsa (between the rivers Yamuna and Sutlej) - in ancient times often extended to the whole of India. Hence the modern official name of the Republic of India in Hindi - Bharat. Bharatavarsa (Skt. Land of Bharat), the ancient name of North. India. Bharatendu Harishchandra (1850-85), Indian writer. Wrote in Hindi. Founder of the satirical direction in Hindi drama. Play "Woe to India" (1880), "Vsevverhdnom City" (1881). Bharat in ancient Indian mythology the goddess of chants. Bhartrihari, Indian poet 7. Wrote in Sanskrit. Song cycles "One hundred verses about love", "One hundred stanzas of worldly wisdom," "One hundred stanzas about the rejection of the world." BHARHUT, location of one of the oldest Buddhist stupas (2 in. BC. E.), Known for its numerous reliefs. Bhasa (3-4 cc.), The ancient Indian poet and playwright. Bhaskar (Bhaskhara Acharya) (1114 - d. 1178 later), Indian mathematician and astronomer. Work "Crown of teaching" ("Siddhanta-Shiromani", 4 books, in Vol. H. "Lilavati" and "Bidzhaganita"), containing a number of methods for the solution of algebraic and number-theoretic problems, astronomical information. "Bhaskar", Indian satellites for meteorological observations, studies of natural resources and others. Put into orbit by the Soviet launch vehicles in 1979 and 1981. The mass of "Bhaskara" 444 lbs. Name from Bhaskara. Bhikkhus (Sanskrit. Beggar), in ancient India - Buddhist monk; had to wear a yellow sandy clothes and shave my head. Bhikshuni (Skt. Beggar), in ancient India - Buddhist nun. Bhilai (Bhilainagar), a city in India, in the urban agglomeration of Durga Bhilainagar, NY. Madhya Pradesh. Center for the steel industry. State Metallurgical Plant (built with Soviet assistance). Bhil, a group of people in India, indigenous mountain communities pcs. Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. 3.7 million. People (1992). Indo-Iranian language branches. Believers are mostly Hindus. Bhima, a hero of the "Mahabharata", one of the five Pandava brothers, savage warrior with a club in the hands of the enemy Rakshasas. Bhishma, the hero of the "Mahabharata", a wise educator Pandavas and the Kauravas and brave commander. Bhopal, a city in India, the administrative center of the piece. Madhya Pradesh. 1.1 million. Inhabitants (1991). Railway junction. Chemical, cotton, food processing, machinery. University. Bhote, the people, the general population of Bhutan (1000 thousand. Man, 1991). They also live in Nepal (approx. 110 thousand. People) and India (approx. 90 thousand. People). Sino-Tibetan language family. Believers are mostly Buddhists in India - Hindus. Bhrigu, one of the Vedic sages, rishis, founder of the priests of fire. Bhubaneswar, a city in India, the administrative center of the piece. Orissa. 412 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Ok. 500 temples (in Vol. H. Lingaraja Temple, c. 1000). Modern residential areas (1948-56, project architect Le Corbusier). Known to 5. Bhuj, the character of Vedic and Hindu mythology, shipwrecked and rescued Asvinau. Benazir Bhutto (b. 1953), the Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1988-90 and 1993. Co-Chairman of Pakistan People's Party since 1985. Daughter of Z. Bhutto. Bhutto Zulfikar Ali Khan (1928-79), the head of state and government of Pakistan in 1971-73, prime minister in 1973-77. In 1967 founded the Pakistan People's Party. In 1977 arrested. Executed by the military administration. Bhutia, in Hindu mythology, spirits, werewolves living in cemeteries. Accompany Shiva. BCG (BCG, abbr. From Bacille de Calmette et de Guerin, on behalf of the French scientists A. Calmette and C. Guérin, a vaccine in 1921), the vaccine against tuberculosis from live attenuated tubercle bacilli. Byvalschiny in Russian folk art oral short story about allegedly occurred improbable accidents.
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