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BURTSEV Vladimir L. (1862-1942), the Russian writer. Publisher and editor of the book "The Past". Exposed the tsarist secret police provocateurs (EF Azefs, RV Malinowski et al.). After the October Revolution in exile. Memories of "The Pursuit of provocateurs" (reprint, 1989). BURTSEV Vsevolod S. (b. 1927), the Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992). Works on the theory of control systems and design general-purpose computers. Lenin Prize (1966), the USSR State Prize (1972). Bourtsev Ivan G. (1794-1829), Decembrist, Colonel. Member of the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns. Member of the "Union of Welfare." After the uprising 14/12/1825 at 6 months. concluded in Bobruisk fortress. In 1827 transferred to the Caucasus. In 1829, Major General, commander of the regiment. Mortally wounded in a battle with the Turks. Burtsev-PROTOPOPOV Vasily Fedorovich, Russian typographer 17. He worked at the Moscow printing house in 1633-42, released 17 books, t. H. The first Moscow "Primer" (1634). Burstein Rebekah Haimovna (1904-92), the Russian electrochemist. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia (1965). Proceedings of adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis. Performed the first in the USSR work on hydrogen adsorption on coal, proposed a new chemical current source (zhelezougolny element). USSR State Prize (1943, 1952). Drills, see. Afrikaners. Brown algae, multicellular algae Department brown color. Often form underwater "forest." Asexual reproduction (spores) and sex. Ok. 1500 species (250 genera), mainly in the coastal strip cold seas. Used to produce fish meal, iodine, some - in food (seaweed). Brown forest soils, soil type deciduous and coniferous-deciduous forests of the temperate zone. Contain 5-10% humus, usually slightly acidic. Typical, ashed, and gley podzol gley. Grow tobacco, grapes, soybeans, grains and vegetables. In Rec. Center. and east. Europe (in Vol. H. Carpathians, Crimea), the Caucasus, the Russian Far East, as well as in China, Korea, USA. Brown desert-steppe soils, soil type semi-temperate zone. Contain 0.3-2% humus. Subtypes: warm momentarily freezes, freezing, etc. warm. Pastures, hayfields, with irrigation crops of grain, melons, sunflowers and others. In Kazakhstan, Wed. Asia, China, USA, Argentina. Brown iron ore, iron ore; mineral formation of iron hydroxides, oxides and hydroxides of silicon and aluminum. The main minerals: goethite, hydrogoethite, hematite, hydrohematite and others. The main deposits - sedimentary and weathering. The minimum content of 30% Fe. The main fields: in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, United States, new. Caledonia, Cuba. Brown bear, mammal of the family bears. Length approx. 2 m. In the forests of Eurasia and North. America (subspecies - Grizzly) previously - in the North. Africa. Object mostly sport hunting. In some places is protected. Brown coal, fossil coal lowest degree of coalification - a transitional form of peat to coal. Organic mass density of 1.2-1.5 g / cm3. Calorific value of the fuel mass 22,6-31 MJ / kg (5400-7400 kcal / kg). Brown coals are divided by humidity on technology groups: B1 (St. 40%), B2 (30-40%) and B3 (30%). Energy fuels and chemical feedstocks. The main pool is located in the Russian Federation, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Australia. Buryn, city (1964) in Ukraine, Sumy region. Railway station (Putyvl). 12.8 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Food industry. Bure Leonardovich Leo (1887-1943), the Uzbek graphic artist and painter, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan (1939). Played a significant role in the development of Tajik and Uzbek newspaper and magazine graphics. Storm, see. Storm. "Sturm und Drang" ("Sturm und Drang"; the name - on the drama by F. M. Klinger), a literary movement in Germany 70-80th. 18 in. If accepted humanistic pathos of Enlightenment, rejecting the normative aesthetics of classicism, representatives of the "Sturm und Drang" defending national identity, folk art, demanded images of strong passions, heroic deeds, the characters are not broken despotic regime. Chief theorist Herder. Playwrights and poets: the young Goethe and Schiller, J. M. R. Lenz, F. M. Klinger, GL Wagner, K. FD Schubart, IG Foss, A . GK Helti, GA Burger et al. Buryatia (Buryatia), the Russian Federation, in the south eastern. Siberia. 351.3 thousand. Km2. Population 1,059 thous. People (1992), urban 60%; Buryats (249.5 thous. people, Census 1989), Russian, Ukrainians, Tatars and others. 20 districts, 6 cities, 34 urban-type settlements (1991). Capital - Ulan-Ude. The area is situated to the east of the lake. Baikal. The surface is mountainous, height up to 3,491 m. The climate is continental. Average January temperatures? 24 ° C, July 17 ° C. Precipitation approx. 300 mm. Rivers Selenga, Barguzin top. Angara flowing into the lake. Baikal, and the influx of Lena - p. Vitim. 4/5 territory is covered by forest. Reserves: Barguzinsky, Baikal. Buryat tribes occupied the Baikal region and Transbaikalia in the beginning. 13 in. In Ser. 17 in. Buryatia became part of Russia. National and feudal oppression caused a revolt in 1658, 1696. In 1918-19 occupied by the Japanese and American interventionists. April 27, 1921 and January 9, 1922 formed the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Region. and Mongol-Buryat Autonomous Region., May 30, 1923 which were united in the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the RSFSR, in 1958-91 - Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In October 1990 the Armed Forces of Buryatia adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty. In December 1991, adopted a law on the introduction of the post of president. Mechanical engineering and metal processing, timber, woodworking, pulp and paper, construction materials, light and food industries. Brown coal, graphite; extraction and processing of tungsten-molybdenum ore, apatite and others. Gusinoozerskaya TPP. Livestock (cattle, sheep fine-fleeced, pigs, poultry). Grain and forage crops. Cultivated potatoes and vegetables. Trapping, fur farming. Navigation on the Lake. Baikal, pp. Selenga and Barguzin. Buryat Horse, Horse-draft, local, and has long been bred bred in Buryatia. Animals undersized, hardy, unpretentious, adapted to the herd of content and tebenevke. Used for meat and milk. "Buryat TRUTH", a monument of customary law Priangarskaya Buryats (bulagatov). Recorded in 1693 Russian servitor B. Serebrennikov. 11 articles containing the list of crimes both free and bond with the designation of sanctions. Buryat Chronicles, historical records eastern Buryats since ancient times up to the second floor. 19 in. Written in a literary Mongolian language. Authors I. Lombotsyrenov, T. Tobo Yumsunov V. et al. Used historical records and chronicles, documents, stories. Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, converted in 1988 from the same branch (founded in 1966 in Ulan-Ude). 5 academic institutions. BURYAT Drama Theatre. H. Namsaraeva, founded in 1932, 1977 Academic. BURYAT OPERA AND BALLET THEATRE, opened in 1948 in Ulan-Ude on the basis of Music and Drama Theatre (founded in 1939). Since 1979 academic. Performances in the Buryat and Russian languages. Buryat language belongs to the Mongolian group of languages. Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet. Buryatia (self - baryaat), the people in the Russian Federation, the main population of Buryatia (250 thousand. People). All in the Russian Federation 421 thousand. Man. They also live in the north of Mongolia and northeast China. The total number of 520 thousand. People (1992). Buryat language. Believers - Buddhists, shamanists. Bushido ("Way of the Warrior"), the feudal code of conduct of the Japanese samurai. Overlord demanded loyalty, recognition of military affairs only occupation worthy of a samurai. Boucicaut (Boucicault) Dion (pres. Name and fam. Dionysius Lardner Bursiko; Bourciquot, Bourcicault) (1820 or 1822-1890), English and American actor, playwright. The representative of the actor's family Boucicaut. Plays and staging Boucicaut were popular in the US, especially staging W. Irving novel "Rip Van Winkle". Busiris (Busirid), in Greek mythology, king of Egypt, the son of Poseidon and Lisianassy. Sacrificed to Zeus all foreigners arriving in his country because, according to the prediction, but it could rid Egypt of drought. Was slain by Hercules, when he was in Egypt, and as a foreigner had to be sacrificed. BUSK, city (1940) in Ukraine, Lviv region., Near the railroad Art. Krasne. 8.6 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Food industry and others. Known since 1097. Bousquet (Bousquet) Zhoe (1897-1950), French writer. In the first world war at the front crippled for life bedridden. Close to surrealism, a friend of D. de Rougemont. Books diary character "Translated from Silence" (1941), "Black Notebook" (published in 1990). Collection of poems "Comprehension Nights" (1947), the novel "From midnight to midnight" (1946), "Snow yore" (1952). Essay on writers and artists. Buslaev Aleksandr Nikolaevich (1894-1976), a Russian circus performer, People's Artist of Russia (1963). Worked with JH Bugrimova in the air and attraction as a trainer (1929-46), then TN Buslaeva. Buslaev Fyodor Ivanovich (1818-97), a Russian scholar and art historian, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1860). Works in the field of Slavic and Russian linguistics, ancient Russian literature and folklore, ancient Russian art. The representative of the mythological school in the Russian science, and later - School borrowing (migration theory). Ancient manuscripts published. Buslaev Yuri (b. 1929), the Russian inorganic chemist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1984). Works on the stereochemistry of complex compounds with multiple bonds metal - ligand. USSR State Prize (1976). Buslenko Panteleevich Nicholas (1922-77), Russian mathematician, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966). Proceedings on mathematical modeling of complex systems. USSR State Prize (1986, posthumously). Bussenar (Boussenard) Louis Henry (1847-1910), French writer. Action novels on the geographical and natural-historical material; science fiction ("The Mystery of Dr. Synthesis", 1888) and adventure, in Vol. h. anticolonial novels ("Captain Daredevil", 1901; "The kidnappers diamonds", 1884). Boussingault (Boussingault) Jean-Baptiste (1802-87), French chemist, one of the founders of agricultural chemistry. Studies on the circulation of substances in nature. Proved that all plants (except legumes) are in need of soil nitrogen. Found that the carbon source for green plants - CO2 air. Boussinesq (Boussinesq) (Boussinesq) Joseph Valentin (1842-1929), a French scientist. Proceedings on hydrodynamics, optics, thermodynamics, elasticity theory. Busse (Bussow) Conrad (? -1617), German memoirist. In 1601-12 was in Russia. The author of "Moscow Chronicle. 1584-1613." Bussola (fr. Boussole), a tool for measuring magnetic azimuth directions in the field. Apply with geodetic works, surveying; artillery - in the management of fire. BUSTAMANTE (Sanchez de Bustamante-and-Sirven, Sanchez de Bustamante y Sirven), Antonio (1865-1951), the Cuban international lawyer and diplomat. Author of numerous works on Private International Law, in Vol. H. Code Bustamante - one of the most significant regional codification of international private law. BUSTAN, city (1983) in Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, 70 km from the railway Art. Urgench. 9.2 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Cotton factory and others. Bustani (al-Bustani), a family of Arab educators in Lebanon. The best known are: 1) Butrus al-Bustani (1819-83), founded in 1847 the first educational society, in 1863 - the first national school in Lebanon, began publishing Arabic encyclopedia ... 2) Sulayman al-Bustani (1856-1925) translated "Iliad" by Homer into Arabic. Busto, lake in the north of the Yana-Indigirka ism. 249 km2. Bustaha follows from p. Suruktah. BOOSTER (Eng. Booster), the auxiliary device to increase the power and speed of action of the main machine or machines (eg., 1st stage of a multistage rocket, hydraulic, electrical or pneumatic control circuit rudders aircraft). Booster pumps, steam jet vacuum pump that is used to create a medium vacuum in vacuum systems. Boustrophedon (Gr. Bustrophedon, by bus - the bull and strepho - turn), a method of writing in which the 1st line is written, eg., From right to left, 2nd - from left to right, the third - again from right to left, and so on. d. It is found in the monuments of Cretan, Hittite, South Arabian, Etruscan, Greek and other letter. BUSKHAK (pres. Fahraddin name Ahmad-i-Hallaj) (? -1427), An Iranian poet, humorist and satirist. In a parody of culinary terminology applied; in the poem "Treasury appetite" parodies "Gulistan" Saadi. Booth, see. Pavljuk PM RUT (Booth), William (1829-1912), English preacher, founder and first General of the Salvation Army - a charitable organization which has become widespread throughout the world. BUTADIENE (1, 3-butadiene, divinylbenzene), CH2 = CH-CH = CH2, colorless gas, B.P. - 4,47 ° C. Prepared dehydrogenation oil containing normal butane and butenes, as well as ethanol. Raw materials for the production of synthetic rubber. NBR (nitrile-butadiene rubbers, nitrile rubbers, NBR, NBR), [-CH2-CH = CH-CH2-] n - [-CH2-CH (CN) -] m, synthetic polymers, copolymerization products of butadiene and acrylonitrile. NBR rubber of gasoline and oil-resistant (manufacture gaskets, conveyor belts, etc.). Butadiene rubber (divinyl rubbers), butadiene polymerization products. The world's first synthetic rubber industry; produced in the USSR in 1932. stereoregular butadiene rubber used mainly in the manufacture of tires (tires are superior to natural rubber for durability), nestereoregulyarny - for the production of, eg., acid- and alkali-resistant rubber, hard rubber. SBR (styrene-butadiene rubbers, butadiene rubbers, SCS, SBR), [-CH2-CH = CH-CH2-] n - [- CH2-CH (C6H5) -] m, copolymerization products of butadiene with styrene (and sometimes with? methylstyrene). SBR rubber from strong and durable (production of tires, conveyor belts, rubber shoes). BUTAKOV Alexei Ivanovich (1816-69), the Russian hydrographer, Rear Admiral (1867). Brother GI Butakova. Member of world expedition 1840-42. In 1848-49 studied the Aral m., Opened a number of islands, was the first hydrographic description and map of the Aral Sea. (Published 1850). BUTAKOV Grigory Ivanovich (1820-82), the Russian Admiral (1878), naval theorist. Brother AI Butakova. In 1867-77 the squadron commander of the Baltic Fleet. Developed the basics of tactics steam fleet. Author of several scientific papers. Bhutan (Bhutan), the state in South. Asia, inaccessible part of eastern. Himalayas. 47 thousand. Km2. The population of 1.55 million. People (1993); mainly Bhote. The urban population of 13% (1985). Official language - Bhote (Dzongkha, close to Tibetan). The state religion - Buddhism (Lamaist wing). Capital - Thimphu. The head of state - the king. Legislature - unicameral National Assembly (Tsongdu). East. Himalayas (altitude up to 7554 m) dissected by deep river valleys bass. Brahmaputra. Monsoon climate (in the valleys - tropical, above - a cold). In the valleys of the average temperature in January? 4,5 ° C, July 17 ° C. Precipitation from 1000 to 5000 mm per year. Dominated forests (deciduous, evergreen, deciduous, coniferous), above 3500 m - meadows, rocks, eternal snow. Reserves Jigmi-Dorji, Gaza, Manas. From the 19th century. to 1947 Bhutan - British protectorate. In 1949 the King of Bhutan and India signed an agreement on special relations between the two countries. Bhutan - agrarian country. The share of gross domestic product (1991,%): agriculture 42.7, the industry 9.6. Mountain agriculture (cereals, mangoes, pineapples, citrus fruits); mining and grazing (yak, in Vol. h. musk-ox), mountain logging. Enterprises for processing of agricultural raw materials and mining. Handicraft production of fabrics, carpets, edged weapons; art processing of metal, wood. Electricity production 1.5 billion. KWh (1990). The length of the road 2.5 thousand. Km. Export: wood, fruit preserves, coal, musk, varnish, wax, graphite, ivory. Foreign tourism, the sale of postage stamps. The main foreign trade partner - India (approx. 95% of foreign trade). Currency - Ngultrum. Bhutan, colorless gases: normal butane CH3 (CH2) 3CH3 (boiling point? 0,5 ° C) and isobutane (CH3) 2CHCH3 (boiling point? 11,7 ° C). Contained in the oil and natural gas and refinery gas. Of normal butane produced butadiene, of isobutane - isobutylene. In a mixture of propane are used as fuel. BUTASHEVICH Petrashevskii-M. V., see. Petrashevsky MV Butenandt (Butenandt) Adolf (b. 1903), a German organic chemist and biochemist. First isolated in pure form and synthesized a number of hormones (oestrone, testosterone, progesterone, etc.). Nobel Prize (1939). BUTENKO Raisa G. (b. 1920), the Russian biologist and biochemist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1974), member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1988). Major works on the culture of isolated cells and tissues of plants, t. H. Experimental morphogenesis and differentiation. USSR State Prize (1984). Butenes (butylenes), colorless gases: 1-butene (CH2 = CHCH2CH3, B.P.? 6,25 ° C), 2-butene [CH3CH = CHCH3, B.P. 3,72 ° C (cis) and 0,88 ° C (trans)] and isobutylene. Gases contained in the refinery. 1-butene is used for preparing butadiene. BOUTIQUE (fr. Voutique), a small shop, which sells branded fashion clothing and all kinds of accessories. Butyl acetate, acetic acid butyl esters. The most important are butyl CH3COO (CH2) 3CH3 (B.P. 126 ° C) and isobutyl CH3COOCH2CH (CH3) 2 (bp 116,5 ° C). Solvents in the manufacture of paints, for example. nitrocellulose, alkyd, chlorinated rubber. Butyl same as butenes. Butyl rubber [C (CH3) 2SN2-] n - (CH2-C (CH3) = CH-CH2-] m, the polymerization product of isobutylene with small amounts of isoprene. Rubbers based on butyl rubber weatherability, resistance to chemicals, have low gas permeability, good electrical properties (camera production of tires, the insulation of wires and cables). butyl alcohol (butanols): CH3CH2CH2CH2OH (1-butanol), boiling point 117,4 ° C; CH3CH2CH (OH) CH3 (2-butanol), boiling point 99 5 ° C; (CH3) 2CHCH2OH (isobutanol), boiling point 108,1 ° C; (CH3) 3COH (tert-butanol), boiling point 82,5 ° C. The solvents eg. nitrovarnishes and ethylcellulose extractants for fat feedstock for plasticizers (dibutyl phthalate), and others. butyraldehyde, the same as butyraldehyde. Butyrometers (from the Greek. butyron - oil ... and meter), a device for determining the fat content of milk. Butea (Boothia), a peninsula in the far north of the north. America, in Canada. Plateau, up to 573 m. tundra vegetation. On Butii - Murchison Cape, the northernmost point of the North. America. Butkevitch Vladimir Stepanovich (1872-1942), a Russian biochemist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929). Major works on the physiology of respiration and metabolism of plants. Butko Vladimir Petrovich (c. 1814-81), Russian statesman, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1863). In 1853-65 Secretary of State. Member training peasant reform of 1861, contributed to judicial reform Butko 1864. Peter G. (1775-1857), Russian historian, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841). The controversy with the "skeptical school." Works on the history of Russia, the Caucasus, the ancient Russian chronicles. Butko Yakov Petrovich (c. 1821-1856), Russian writer. Essays and short stories (a collection of "St. Petersburg tops", Vol. 1-2, 1845-46), the story "New Year", "Dark Man" (both 1848), "The Strange Story" (1849) et al., Close to the tradition of natural school (the theme of the "little man" and so on. n.). Alexander Butler (1828-86), the Russian organic chemist, Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1874). Created (1861) and developed a theory of chemical structure, according to which the properties of substances determined by the order of atoms in molecules and their mutual influence. First explained (1864), the phenomenon of isomerism. Opened the polymerization of isobutylene. A series of organic compounds (hexamine, the polymer of formaldehyde and others.). Proceedings of the agriculture, apiculture. Advocate of higher education for zhenschin.BUTLEROV Alexander [3 (15) in September 1828, Tchistopol Kazan province (now Tatarstan) - 5 (17) in August 1886, the village Butlerovka Spassky County (now Alekseevskii district) Kazan province], the Russian chemist, author of the theory chemical structure, the creator of the first national school in organic himii.Semya. Years ucheniyaRod Butlerova led from start Yuri Butler, who came to serve in the Russia of Courland, probably in the 16th century. Father Butlerova Mikhail, a member of the Patriotic War of 1812, after the resignation of the rank of lieutenant colonel living in the tribal hamlet Butlerovka; mother, Sophia A., nee Strelkova, died 19 years, 4 days after the birth of her son. Butlerova childhood passed in the estate of his grandfather on his mother - a village surrounded by forests Podlesnaya Chantal, where his aunt was brought up, and in a nearby Butlerovke. When, ten-year, Butlerov was transferred to a private boarding school, he is a good command of French and German. After the great fire in Kazan in 1842 closed the board, and Butlerov was defined in the 1st Kazan gymnasium. Already at the guest house and gymnasium Butlerov engaged in chemical experiments (one of them ended with an explosion, and teachers sent Pension guilty in solitary confinement, hanging on his chest plaque with the inscription "great chemistry"), compiled a collection of plants and insects. In 1844 Butlerov entered Kazan University, where he attracted the attention of famous chemists NN Zinin and KK Klaus, on the advice which has created a home laboratory. However, his PhD thesis, possibly due Zinina moving to St. Petersburg, was dedicated babochkam.Kazansky periodPo After graduation (1849) Butlerov was attracted to teaching (for him petitioned Claus and Lobachevsky) and lectured in physics, chemistry and physical geography. In 1851 Butlerov received a master's degree in 1854 at Moscow State University defended his doctoral thesis ("On the essential oils"), after which he was elected extraordinary, and in 1857 - an ordinary professor of chemistry at the University of Kazan. In 1851 he married NM Glumilino, niece ST Aksakova.Po contemporaries, Butlerov was one of the best speakers of his time: he completely owned the audience thanks to the clarity and rigor, which combined with his figurative language. In addition to university courses, Butlerov read public lectures on chemistry (their visit to Kazan audience sometimes preferred fashionable theater productions), participated in the Kazan Economic Society, published articles on botany, floriculture, agriculture. Of great importance for the formation of scientific interests was his trip to Europe in 1857-58, where Butlerof acquainted with the best chemical laboratories and a number of chemical companies. He attended lectures by Becquerel, E. Mitscherlich, RV Bunsen, Liebig, met with Alexander Kekule, about six months he worked in the laboratory of Wurtz in Paris. Returning to Kazan, Butlerov rebuilt the chemical laboratory, and continued research begun in Wurtz methylene derivatives in which hexamethylenetetramine was later found wide application in industry and medicine. Another important finding of this period - the first chemical synthesis of sweetener ("metilenitana"). The theory of the chemical structure of our own experimental work, familiarity with the state of chemistry abroad, a deep interest in the theoretical foundations of chemistry led Butlerova to ideas with which he delivered in 1861 at the Congress German naturalists and physicians in Speyer (Speyer). The report "On the chemical structure of matter" - the first presentation of Butlerov his famous theory of chemical structure, which he designed and developed throughout his scientific career. Fundamentally new in his theory, which included ideas of Kekulé valence of A. Cooper and the ability of carbon atoms to form chains, was the position of the chemical (not mechanical) structure of molecules (the term "chemical structure" belongs Butlerov) under which Butlerof understand way connections between atoms in the molecule are in accordance with each of them belonging to a certain amount of the chemical strength (affinity). Butlerov established a close relationship between the structure and chemical properties of complex organic compounds, which allowed him to explain the phenomenon of isomerism, as well as to explain and predict the possible chemical transformations. In 1860-63 Butlerof twice against his will, acting rector of Kazan University. Principalship were in a difficult period in the history of the university (Bezdna Unrest and Curtin funeral, capture and students struggle between different groups of professors and so on. N.), And it was hard for Butlerova than once asked to resign. In 1864-66 in Kazan, Butlerov published a textbook "Introduction to the complete study of Organic Chemistry" (he was soon translated into German), which contributed to the spread of the theory of Butlerov in Russia and rubezhom.Peterburgsky period. Outdoor activities During the third trip abroad (1867-68) Butlerov was elected professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg University. In the view of the university Mendeleev emphasized the originality of scientific creativity Butlerova: "The direction of scientific works AM Butlerov is not the continuation or development of ideas of his predecessors, but belongs to him. In chemistry there Butlerov School, Butlerov direction." In January 1869, after finishing the course and passing the reading chair and laboratory VV Markovnikov, Butlerov moved to St. Petersburg. Soon, he was elected extraordinary (1871) and then the ordinary (1874), academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In St. Petersburg period of life Butlerof continued experimental work, improved theory of chemical structure (article "The modern meaning of the theory of chemical structure," in 1879, and others.), Much effort to public life. He actively participated in the creation (1878) Higher Women's Courses and courses organized chemical laboratory, as a member of the Free Economic Society vigorously planted beekeeping management practices (his pamphlet "Bee ..." and "How to drive the bees" repeatedly reprinted until 1930 ), in 1886 founded the magazine "Russian beekeeping leaf". In 1880-83 Butlerof - President of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society. Great response had his article "Russian or only Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg?", Published in 1882 in the newspaper "Rus" in connection with the academic choices. At the same period, had shocked his contemporaries and passion Butlerova spiritualism, with whom he first met in 1854 on the estate Aksakovs Abramtzevo. Later, he became friendly with AN Aksakov (a cousin of his wife) issued a spiritualistic magazine "Psychical Research" (published in 1889 Aksakov "Collection of articles AM Butlerov on mediumship"). Despite the condemnation of his students and colleagues Butlerof hot and seriously defended his uvlechenie.V 1875 Butlerov, after 25 years of service, I think the resignation, but the Council of St. Petersburg University drew back twice this period of 5 years. Last lecture Butlerof read March 14 1885.Sudba Butlerova as a scientist has developed successfully. His work during his lifetime and received full recognition in Russia and abroad, and without his scientific school (among pupils - VV Markovnikov, AM Zaitsev, AE Tabor, IL Kondakov) it is impossible to development of chemistry in Russia. Contemporaries noted the great charm of personality Butlerova his versatile talent, breadth of vision and interests, sociable, communicative character, kindness, sensitivity and condescending attitude toward uchenikam.Smolodu Butlerof differed good health and great physical strength - poker, bent them in the form of the letter "b" long stored in a chemical laboratory in Kazan. But intensive research work and social activities undermined Butlerova force - he died suddenly surrounding his estate. He was buried in the family chapel Butlerov in the village cemetery now defunct village Butlerovka on the shore Kamy.Sochineniya: Vol. M., 1953-58. T. 1-3.Literatura: Markovnikov VV Moscow talking about Butlerova // Proc. The Institute of the History of Science and Technology. T. 12. S. 135-81.Bykov GV Alexander Butlerov. M., 1961.Grechkin NP Alexander Butlerov // Tales of Kazan scientists. Kazan, 1983. rubble stone (bottles), large fragments of rocks (15-50 cm in diameter), resulting from the development (usually blasting) mainly limestone, dolomite, sandstone. Used for laying the foundations, in the construction of hydraulic and transport facilities, and so on. N. BUTROT (Alb. Butrint), an ancient Greek city on the lake. Butrint (Albania). Founded in the late. 7 - beg. 6 centuries. BC. e. The remnants of defensive walls, theater, sanctuaries and others. Bootrom (Boutroux) Emile (1845-1921), French philosopher, foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1916). The representative of spiritualism; defended the position of indeterminacy. Cleats (Booth) (Booth), a family of American actors. Junius Brutus (1796-1852), from 1813 on the professional stage, appeared in London theaters. From 1821 he worked in the United States, where he became a major actor of the Romantic school. His sons Edwin Thomas Booth (1833-93), on the stage since 1849, the best role - Hamlet ("Hamlet" by William Shakespeare); John Wilkes Booth (1838-65), a supporter of the slaveholders, 1865 mortally wounded President Abraham Lincoln. Butuan (Butuan), a city in the Philippines, on about. Mindanao, the administrative center prov. Agusan del Norte. 228 thousand. Residents in 1990, with the suburbs). Port in the estuary. Agusan. Wood, production and export of products made of abaca, copra. Buturlin Alexander B. (1694-1767), Earl (1760), Field Marshal (1756). Favorite of the Empress Elizabeth. During the Seven Years War 1760-61 Chief of the Russian army. Buturlin Vasily (? -1656), Military leader, diplomat. The head of the Russian Embassy in Ukraine (1653). Sworn deputies Pereyaslav 1654 allegiance to Russia. In 1655 the commander of the troops sent to the aid of B. Khmelnitsky against Polish troops. Buturlin Dmitry Petrovich (1790-1849), a military historian Major-General (1824). Works on the history of Russia's war in the 18th century. and the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1846-49 headed "Buturlinsky Committee." Buturlinovka, city (1917) in the Russian Federation, Voronezh region. Railway station. 29.0 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Food, light industry. Founded in the 18th century. "Buturlinsky COMMITTEE" adopted in the literature as the Committee for the higher supervision of the spirit and direction of printed works in Russia. Created in 1848 under the chairmanship of DP Buturlina. Carried out secret surveillance of the literature. Subordinate to the Emperor Nicholas I. abolished in 1855. WINE BOTTLE, Russian measure liquid volume 18 - early. 20th centuries. 1 bottle of wine = 1/16 buckets (0,77l). VODKA BOTTLE (beer), Russian measure liquid volume 18 - early. 20th centuries. 1 bottle of vodka buckets = 1/20 (0.624 L). Bottlenose genus of marine mammals of the family of beaked. Length up to 9.4 m. 2 species. Northern bottlenose whale - in the North Atlantic ok., In Vol. H. In the Barents Sea. (Comes in white m.); in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Southern bottlenose whale - the southern hemisphere; the number is unknown. BUFFER (Eng. Buffer, from the buff - mitigate shocks), a device for mitigating the impacts on vehicles (locomotives, cars et al.). Car buffer called the bumper. Buffer blasting method of blasting rock mass on the "buffer" of the previously fragmented rock. Restricts the width of the collapse of the rock mass, improves fragmentation, and so on. N. A buffer memory, is designed for intermediate storage of information in the exchange of information between computer devices operating at different speeds. Buffer solution maintained at constant changing composition of the medium value of a characteristic, for example. pH value pH (acid-base buffer solution), or redox potential (redox buffer solution). Acid-base buffers comprise weak acid and a salt thereof (eg., CH3COOH and CH3COONa) or a weak base and its salt (eg., NH3 and NH4Cl). Many biological fluids (blood, etc.) Are the buffers. Components - carbonates, phosphates and proteins. Redox buffer solutions containing compounds of elements of variable valence, are in two oxidation states, for example. salts of Fe (III) and Fe (II). BUFFALO (Buffalo), a city in the northeast United States, pcs. New York, a port on the lake. Erie. 328 thousand. Residents (1990, with suburbs 1.2 million. Inhabitants). A major industrial center and transportation hub. International Airport. Iron and steel, metal, machinery, chemical industry. 14 universities, t. H. University. Nuclear Research Center. Art Gallery. Buffoonery (from Italian. Buffonata - buffoonery) in the circus, on stage, in the theater - accentuate the comic exaggeration, sometimes okarikaturivanie characters (action events). Pouffe [from the French. bouffer - inflate (to be)], lush folds of female sleeves and skirts. WHAM (Buch) Christian Leopold von (1774-1853), a German geologist, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1832). Proceedings on paleontology and stratigraphy of the Jurassic. Author (together with the Alexander von Humboldt) hypothesis craters uplift. WHAM Lev Konstantinovich (1847-1917), Russian economist. Writings on political economy and finance. Share the basic principles of the agrarian program SRs. WHAM Nicholas Roerich (1853 - after 1934), a revolutionary populist. Member of "going to the people", member of the circle "Southern rebels", "Land and Freedom", the Executive Committee of the "Narodnaya Volya". In 1880, sentenced to 15 years in prison, serving on Kara. Author of memoirs. Bukhara, a city in Uzbekistan, the center of Bukhara region. Railway station. 249.6 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Easy (astrakhan, ginneries, cotton mill, sewing association et al.), Flavoring industry. 2 high school theater. Museums: Local History, metal stamping, artistic ceramics. Originated no later than 1 in. n. e., in the 16th century. - 1920 the capital of the Bukhara Khanate of Bukhara Emirate, in 1920-24 - Bukhara Soviet Republic. Bukhara - the city-museum with a citadel "Ark". Ok. 140 architectural monuments: Poi-Kalyan (12-16 cc.), Labi-Hauz (16-17 cc.) Koshmedrese (16 in.); Ismail Samani mausoleum (con. 9 - beg. 10 cc.). Center of ancient arts and crafts. Bukhari Alexander Matveyevich (in monasticism Theodore) (1822-71), Russian theologian and philosopher, the forerunner of t. N. "new religious consciousness" in Russia con. 19 - early. 20th centuries. Conflict with church authorities in 1863 prompted him to resign from his orders. Essay - "The Orthodoxy in relation to modernity" (1860). Bucharest (Bucuresti), the capital of Romania, on the Lower Danube Lowland., 45 km from the Danube. Independent administrative unit. 2.1 million. Inhabitants (1992). Transport hub. International Airport. Major industrial center of machine building and metalworking, textile, leather and footwear, chemicals, clothing, food, glass, porcelain, printing industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood. Metropolitan. Academy of Sciences of the Romanian Academy and industry, universities and other institutions of higher education; museums, theaters, concert hall Athenaeum (19 in.). The modern name is known since the 14th century. Since 1659 the capital of Wallachia, 1861 - Romania. Monasteries and churches of 16-18 centuries. (Mihai Voda. Patriarchal, Kretsulesku). Palace of the Republic (20 in.).
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