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Jeanne Bolotov Andreevna (b. 1941), the Russian actress, People's Artist of Russia (1985). Actress studio theater actor. Made her film debut in the film LA Kulidzhanov and YA Segel "The House I Live In" (1957), where he showed the distinctive properties of the actress - gentle grace, subtle charm and intelligence. Filmed in the movies Gerasimov "People and Animals" (1962), "Love Man" (1972), NN Hubenko "wounded animal" (1977), "From the Life of a rest" (1980), "And life, and tears, and love "(1984) and others. USSR State Prize for his role in the movie" Escape of Mr. McKinley "(1977). Bolokhova, city (with 1943) in the Russian Federation, Tul., Near the railroad Art. Perch. 12 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Machine-Building Plant; food industry. Bolokhovskaya EARTH, Old historic area (12-13 cc.) In the upper river. South. Bug and bass. pp. Gorin happened Grouse (now the territory of Khmelnitsky region.). In the 13th century. separated from the principality of Kiev, recognized the authority of the Mongol-Tatars, and then attached to the Galicia-Volyn principality. Bolstad (Bulstad) (Bolstad) Øyvind (1905-79), a Norwegian writer. Anti-fascist play "Patriots" (1939), social novels "speculator" (1947), "Red begonia" (1947), "Tango of Death" (1967), "Black Mass" (1970), stories. BOLT (from nizhnenem. Bolt), fastener, usually rod with 6 hexagon or square head and thread for screwing the nuts. BOLT (Bolt) Robert (b. 1924), English playwright. Historical drama "person for any time" (1960), "Long live the queen, viva!" (1971) in the spirit of the "new wave". In philosophical drama "Gentle Jack" (1965) - the influence of Brecht. Boltwood (Boltwood) Bertram Borden (1870-1927), American chemist. Major works in the field of radiochemistry. Proved (1903) that radium is a decay product of uranium. Set (1905), which in uranium minerals always contain lead and correctly assumed that it could be the end product of the radioactive decay of uranium. Proposed (1907) by the number of lead ore and the known rate of decay of uranium to determine the age of geological formations. Opened (1907) ionium - natural radioactive isotope of thorium. Boltina Ivan Nikitich (1735-92), Russian historian, statesman, member of the military board. The first publisher of the longer version of "Russian Truth". Works on the historical geography, source, ancient Russian history. BOLTINSKY Vasily N. (1903 / 04-77), a mechanical engineer, academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1956), Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Works on the theory of tractor engines, tractor units. State Prize of the USSR (1952, 1976). BOLTON (Bolton) Elmer Keiser (1886-1968), an American organic chemist. In 1915-51 he worked in the Group "DuPont de Nemours." Works on chemistry of dyes and high-molecular compounds. One of the organizers of the industry of synthetic dyes in the United States. Allocated pigments geranium, sage and pink chrysanthemums red and determined their structure. Participated in the development of industrial methods of producing chloroprene rubber and polyamides. Bolhov, a city in the Russian Federation, Orel. at p. Nugr, 50 km from the railway Art. Mtsensk. 13.1 thousand. Inhabitants (1992). Furniture factory, food enterprises. Museum. Known since the 13th century. Bolkhovitinov Viktor Fedorovich (1899-1970), a Russian aircraft, Major General Engineer (1943). Designer heavy bomber DB-A fighter with coaxial screws and others. Bolkhovitinov Euthymios A. (in monasticism - Eugene) (1767-1837), Russian historian, archaeographer, bibliographer. Since 1822, Metropolitan of Kiev. Historic, Historical, regional and biobibliographical works. Bolkhovitinov Nicholas (b. 1930), historian, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992). Major works on US history, international relations and foreign policy of Russia 18-19 centuries. Historiography. Bolchu (Balch) Emily Greene (1867-1961) was an American economist, Professor (1913). One of the organizers of the movement for social reform in the United States. An activist of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, founded in 1919. Works on problems of immigration and racism. In the book "Our fellow citizens - the Slavs" (1910), denied the views of racial inferiority of the Slavs relied on demands for restricting immigration to the US representatives of the Slavic peoples. The Nobel Peace Prize (1946, with David Mott). PAIN, psycho-physiological response of the body that occurs when a strong stimulation of sensory nerve endings embedded in organs and tissues. One of the earliest symptoms of some diseases. Hospitals, for hospital treatment, ongoing monitoring, as well as insulation (in the case of infectious and other diseases) patients. Bolzano (Bolzano), a city in the North. Italy, in the eastern Alps, the administrative center of the province. Bolzano. 100.4 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Transport hub on the way to the Brenner Pass. Electrometallurgy, manufacturing and light industry. Bolzano (Bolzano), Bernard (1781-1848), Czech mathematician and philosopher. Opposed psychologism in logic; true logic attributed ideal objective existence. Influenced Husserl. Introduced a number of important concepts of mathematical analysis, was the forerunner of Cantor in the study of infinite sets. Boltzmann (Boltzmann) Ludwig (1844-1906), an Austrian physicist, one of the founders of statistical physics and physical kinetics, foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1899). Brought the distribution function, named after him, and the master equation gases. Dahl (1872) statistical justification of the second law of thermodynamics. Brought one of the laws of thermal radiation (Stefan - Boltzmann law). The Boltzmann constant, physical constant k, equal to the ratio of the universal gas constant R to Avogadro's number NA: k = R / NA = 1,3807.10-23 J / K. Named for the Boltzmann. Boltzmann principle, the relation S - k lnW between the entropy S and the thermodynamic probability W (k - Boltzmann constant). Boltzmann principle is based on the statistical interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics: natural processes tend to translate a thermodynamic system from less probable to more probable state (t. E. To bring the system to an equilibrium state for which the values of W and S max). Boltzmann distribution (Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution), the equilibrium distribution of the particles of an ideal gas energy (E) in an external force field (eg., In a gravitational field); determined by the distribution function f ~ eE / kT, where E - the sum of kinetic and potential energy of the particle, T - absolute temperature, k - Boltzmann constant; is a generalization of Boltzmann (1868-71) of the Maxwell velocity distribution. Boltzmann Statistics, the statistical method of describing an ideal gas in thermodynamic equilibrium for particles moving according to the laws of classical mechanics. Bolshakov Vladimir (b. 1934), the Russian ecologist, mammalogy, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1987). Research in the field of population and evolutionary ecology of mammals. BOLSHAKOV Gennady Fedorovich (1932-89), the Russian chemist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1981). Major works are devoted to the development of high-liquid fuels, fuel additives, rapid methods of automatic quality control of petroleum products. Kirill Bolshakov A. (b. 1906), the Russian inorganic chemist, one of the founders of Soviet industry rare elements, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1958). Major works on the physical-chemical principles of extraction and purification of rare earth and trace elements. State Prize of the USSR (1941, 1953). Great Guild, a privileged social class association of large merchants and property owners (preim. Germans) in the middle. 14-19 centuries. in the cities of the Baltic states (Tallinn, Riga, Tartu, and others.). THE BIG VALLEY (Great Valley), a system of longitudinal valleys separated by short range (up to 1,500 m) in the South. Appalachia (USA). The length of 950 km. width of 40-60 km. A rich agricultural area (wheat, corn, cattle). BIG defense line, defensive line on the southern edge of the Russian state in the 16th century. from Ryazan to Tula. In the 17th century. replaced Belgorod feature. Large scale integration (LSI), an integrated circuit with a high degree of integration (the number of elements in it reaches 104) used in electronic equipment as functionally complete assembly devices of computer technology, automation, measurement technology, and others. "Encyclopedia of China"; Publishing, Beijing. Founded in 1978. It produces the same name of a universal encyclopedia built by topic (from 1979 to the beginning. 90s. Left approx. 40 volumes of the planned 80), another reference and non-fiction literature. Issued translated into Chinese "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary" (1987). Office in Shanghai. Liakhvi river in Georgia, left tributary of the Kura River. 115 km catchment area of 2311 km2. Average water consumption 26 m3 / s. Rafting. Big Dipper (lat. Ursa Major), the constellation of the northern hemisphere, in which single out a group of 7 stars - Big Dipper; average star handles bucket called Mizar, next to it is a faint star Alcor. Grand Banks of Newfoundland, extensive sandbank in the Atlantic c., Have on. Newfoundland. The predominant depth of less than 100 m (lowest 5.5 m). One of the largest areas of fisheries (cod, herring, etc.). Grand opera, 1) mnogoaktnaya opera ... 2) Opera genre which has developed in France in the 20s. 19 in .; characterized by monumentality, dramatic, heroic pathos, romantic colorful, decorative, using large orchestra and choir, the inclusion of ballet numbers. Large opera created mostly on historical subjects. Prominent representatives of grand opera - J. Meyerbeer. Great Horde, Tatar state in 1433-1502 in the North. Black Sea and Volga NN. Highlight of the Golden Horde. Defeated the Crimean Khanate. Giant pandas, the same as bamboo bear. Great Sandy Desert (Great Sandy Desert), in the north-west Australia. 360 thousand. Km2. The average height of 400-500 m. The prevailing ridge sands (the average height of the ridges up to 15 m) separated by clay-saline plains. One of the hottest places in the mainland (the average summer temperature is 30 ° C). Rainfall of 200 to 450 mm per year. Spinifex grass sod, acacia and eucalyptus trees stunted. National Park Rudalp River. Great Victoria Desert (Great Victoria Desert), sandy desert in the south of Australia. 350 thousand. Km2. The average height of 150-300 m. The prevailing ridge sands (height 10-30 m), fixed sod cereal spinifex. Rainfall of 125 to 250 mm per year. National Park Great Victoria Desert. "Great Russian Encyclopedia", a scientific reference and encyclopedic Publishing, Moscow. Founded in 1925 as a joint-stock company "Soviet Encyclopedia". Since 1930 State encyclopedic dictionary-publishing, in 1935-49 the State Institute (in 1944-49 National Research Institute) "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1949 State Scientific Publishing House (before 1959 "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", until 1963 "Soviet encyclopedia") since 1963 the publishing house of the same name (released encyclopedic reference and until 1974 the linguistic reference books). The modern name since 1991. It produces general and special encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries in various fields of science, technology and culture, regional, biographical and other reference books. In 1926-91 was published 635 volumes of publications with a total circulation of approx. 88.5 million. Copies. Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE), a universal encyclopedia, went out in the USSR (published by "Soviet Encyclopedia"). 1st Edition - 1926-47, 65 primary volumes, separate volume of the USSR, 65 thousand. Papers with a circulation of 50-80 thousand. Copies; Chief Editor Schmidt (up to 1941). 2nd edition - 1950-58, 50 primary volumes, 51 minutes additional volume; ok. 100 thousand. Papers with a circulation of 250-300 thousand. Copies; pointer in 2 volumes. (1960); editor in chief of Vavilov (up to 1951), BA Vvedensky (1951). 3rd edition - 1969-78, 30 volumes; ok. 100 thousand. Papers with a circulation of 630 thousand. Copies; an alphabetical index of names in one volume. (1981); editor in chief of Prokhorov (since 1969); translated and published in the United States and Greece. Methodical experience BES was used in the preparation of the Small Soviet Encyclopedia (3 publications in 1928-60) and other universal reference, in Vol. H. One-volume Soviet Encyclopaedia (4 edition in 1979-91), a two-volume Collegiate Dictionary (1991), and contributed to the development of encyclopedic business in the country. In 1957-90 Yearbook published TSB. BIG hat, the river in the north-east. Zap. Siberia, left tributary of the Yenisei. 646 km, the basin area of 20.7 thousand. Km2. In the bass. Big Heta - approx. 6 thousand. Lakes. Chukochya River (Revum-Revu), a river in northeastern Yakutia. 758 km, the basin area of 19.8 thousand. Km2. Flows along the Kolyma Lowland., Falls into Vost. Siberian m. In winter peremerzaet. In the basin of St. 11.5 thousand. Lakes. More Login Nikolaevich (1922-78), a mathematician; Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974). Works on the theory of probability, mathematical statistics, and their applications. Bolsheviks, island architect. North. Earth (Krasnoyarsk kr.). 11.3 thousand. Km2. Height up to 935 m. Approx. 30% of the territory is covered by glaciers; Arctic desert. Bolsheviks, representatives of political trend (fractions) in the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (from April 1917 an independent political party), led by Lenin (see. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union). The concept of the Bolsheviks emerged at the 2nd Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (1903) after the elections to the governing bodies of the party, Lenin's supporters won a majority of votes (hence - the Bolsheviks), their opponents - a minority (Mensheviks). In 1917-52 the Bolsheviks word included in the official name of the party - Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks), the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The 19th Party Congress (1952), decided to call it the CP of the Soviet Union Bolshezemelskaya tundra, hilly moraine plain, within the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic. Height up to 250 m. Moss-shrub tundra and forest tundra. In Bolshezemelskaya tundra most of the Pechora coal basin; oil and gas fields. Megalopodidae CHICKENS (weed chickens), a family of birds of chicken. Legs are strongly developed. 12 species in Australia and the islands of the Pacific approx. Eggs buried in the sand heap or rotting plants. BOLSHEROGY deer, extinct hoofed mammal. Lived during the Pleistocene, in Eurasia. Horn of up to 4 m span. Remains bolsherogogo deer are often found in Paleolithic encampments person. Greater Antilles, the western part of the arch. Antilles in the West Indies. Great Himalayas, the highest high (up to 8848 m, the Qomolangma) part of the Himalayas. Greater Sunda Islands, the main part of the Malay Arch., Mainly in Indonesia. Includes Island of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and others. The cerebral hemispheres, paired education combined corpus callosum in Vol. N. telencephalon. The surface of the cerebral hemispheres is represented by numerous small or large deep convolutions. Distinguish share: frontal, parietal, temporal, insular, occipital. The gray matter of the brain consists of nerve cells - neurons that form the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia (nodes). The white matter is formed by processes of neurons that make up the pathways of the brain. Bolshintsov Manuel Vladislavovich (1902-1954), a Russian screenwriter. Scripts (et al): "Peasants" (1935), "The sky of Moscow" (1944) and others. BIG Kesey, lake in Khabarovsk kr. Connected duct with p. Cupid. With an average of 281 km2, depth of 4 m. Great Bear Lake (Grea Bea Lake), Lake in northwestern Canada. 30.2 thousand. Km2, depth to 137 m. Stoke on p. B. Bear. Shipping. Fishing. Ports: Port Radium, Fort Franklin. Great Slave Lake (Great Slaver Lake), Lake in northwestern Canada. 28.6 thousand. Km2, depth of 150 m. A tributary rivers. Slave, Hay River flows. Mackenzie. Shipping. Ports: Fort Resolution Highway, Yellowknife. Great Salt Lake (Great Salt Lake), endorheic salt lake in the western United States. Depending on the amount of precipitation and salinity change area from 2500 to 6000 km2 and 137 to 300 ‰. The average depth of 4.5-7.5 m. Production of common and Glauber salts. Major's. Salt Lake City, Ogden. Great Barrier Reef, a ridge of coral reefs and islands, stretching 2,300 km along the northeast coast of Australia; in the northern part of the width of approx. 2 km to the south - 150 km. Most are under water. Marine National Park. Large swimming pool (Great Basin), in the Cordillera Highlands North. America, the western United States. Limited to the Rocky Mountains to the east, the Cascade Mountains and xp. Sierra Nevada on the west. In the relief combination of short ranges (altitude up to 3000 m) and large basins of the bottom of which lie at an altitude of 1200-2000 m (Death Valley - 85 meters below sea level). Most of the undrained. Semidesert and desert landscapes. Greater Burgan oil field in Kuwait, one of the largest in the world (the Persian Gulf oil and gas basin). Deposits at a depth of 1,1-2,6 km. The initial stocks of 9.1 billion. M. The density of 0,87-0,88 g / cm3. Big Bang, according to modern concepts condition of the expanding universe in the past (approx. 13 billion. Years ago), when the average density of the universe in a huge number of times the modern. Due to the expansion of the universe average density decreases with time. Accordingly, when deleted in the past density increases, up to the moment when the classical notions of space and time cease to be valid (the cosmological singularity). This point can be taken as the reference time. Period of the Big Bang is conventionally called the time interval from 0 to several hundred seconds. At the beginning of this period, the substance of the universe gained enormous relative speed (hence the name). Observed evidence of the period of the Big Bang are now CMB, the concentrations of hydrogen, helium and other light elements, the distribution of inhomogeneities in the universe (eg., Galaxies) Great Dividing Range (Great Dividing Range) (East Australian mountains), mountain system It stretches along the east and south-east coast of Australia on the 4 th. km. To the north of 28 ° S. w. consists of plateaus, basins and arrays height approx. 1000 m to the south - from individual arrays height up to 2230 m (Mt. Kosciuszko). In the Great Dividing Range originate pp. Murray-Darling. On the eastern slopes of moist deciduous and evergreen forests in the west - lesosavanny, thickets of xerophytic shrubs. Big Yenisei (Bii-Khem), a river in southern Siberia, in Tuva, the right component of the Yenisei. 605 km, the basin area of 56.8 thousand. Km2. Outflow from the lake. Kara Balik. Average water consumption 584 m3 / s. Navigable for 285 km. from the mouth. BIG IR, on the South River. Urals, right tributary Sakmara. 341 km catchment area of 7670 km2. BIG Irgiz, in the Volga River, a left tributary of the Volga River (which flows in the Volgograd Reservoir). 675 km, the basin area of 24 thousand. Km2. The average consumption of water in the lower reaches approx. 23 m3 / s. Used for irrigation. Greater Caucasus mountain range stretching from west-northwest to east-southeast between the Black and Caspian mm. Length of more than 1100 km, width up to 180 km. In the axial part - Chief or Dividing and lateral ridges, which are accompanied by many advanced and transverse ridges up to 4,000 and 5,000 meters (maximum 5642 m, Mount Elbrus). Greater Caucasus is divided into Zap. Caucasus (up to Elbrus), Central Caucasus (between Elbrus and Kazbek) and the eastern. Caucasus (east of Kazbek). Significant modern glaciation (the area of approx. 1,430 km2). Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon), one of the deepest canyons in the world, on the Colorado Plateau, in the United States. Developed district. Colorado in the thickness of limestone, sandstone and shale. The length of 446 km. The depth of up to 1600 m (one of the deepest in the world). Width at the plateau surface 8-25 km near the bottom - less than 1 km (in certain areas up to 120 m). National Park Grand Canyon. Tourism. BIG Kinel, in the Volga River, a right tributary of Samara (bass. Volga). 437 km, the basin area of 15.2 thousand. Km2. The average water flow of 33 m3 / s. Grand Kremlin Palace, Moscow Kremlin Palace (1839-49, architect KA Ton). Until 1917, the Moscow residence of Russian emperors and place of ceremonial receptions. After 1917, the Grand Kremlin Palace - located in various kinds of conventions, meetings, meetings, receptions, children's novogorodnih holidays. Large circle, the circle (and his circle), which is obtained by cutting the ball plane passing through its center. Büyük Menderes River (Buyuk Menderes), a river in western Turkey. 380 km, the basin area of 23.9 thousand. Km2. Begins on the Anatolian plateau, flows into the Aegean m., Forming a delta. The average water consumption of approx. 90 m3 / s. In the lower reaches of the track winding, so the ancient Greek name of the Büyük Menderes River - Meander River Bends become synonymous. An Nafud, desert in the north of the Arabian Peninsula; cm. Nefud. BIG Pathom, a river in eastern. Siberia, right tributary of the Lena. 460 km, the basin area of 29.6 thousand. Km2. The average water flow of 360 m3 / s. Rapids. In the lower reaches rafting. Canis Major (lat. Canis Major), the constellation of the Southern Hemisphere, which is Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. In the mid-latitudes of the Russian Federation constellation can be seen in winter. BIG PIT, the river in the west of eastern. Siberia, right tributary of the Yenisei. 415 km, the basin area of 21.7 thousand. Km2. Rafting. Navigable from the pier Bryanka. BIG SALYM river in Zap. Siberia, left tributary of the Ob River. 583 km, the basin area of 18.1 thousand. Km2. Large Symphony Orchestra Radio and Television, they. Tchaikovsky, academic, founded in 1930 was headed by conductors: AI Orlov, N. Golovanov, AV Hauk, Gennady Rozhdestvensky. Chief conductor and artistic director - VI Fedoseyev. (1974). GREAT TAP River in West. Siberia, left tributary of the river. Conda. 504 km catchment area of 6.7 thousand. Km2. Bolshoi Theatre, the State Academic (Bolshoi), founded in 1776 in Moscow. Modern building from 1825 (architect Osip Bove, renovated in 1856, the architect AK Kavos). Staged the first foreign and Russian operas and ballets Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov and others. From the beginning . 20 in. received international recognition Russian vocal (FI Chaliapin, AV Nezhdanoff Sobinov L. et al.) and ballet (Geltser, Gorsky, VD Tikhomirov et al. ) school. In 1919 the theater was awarded the title of an academic. Singers - VV Autograph, NA Obukhov, KG Derzhinskaya, Ivan Kozlovsky, S. Lemeshev, MD Mikhailov, A. Pirogov, MO Reizen, GM Nelepp, MP Maksakova, IK Arkhipova, GP Vishnevskaya, EV Obraztsova, AP Ognivtsev, VA Atlantean, EE Nesterenko et al. ; ballet soloists - MT Semenova, GS Ulanova, OV Lepeshinskii, AN Ermolaev, AM Messerer, MP Plisetskaya, ES Maximova, NI Bessmertnova VV Vasiliev, Maris Liepa, etc .; Conductors - VI Suk, NS Golovanov, AM Pazovsky, A. Melik-Pashayev, YF Fire, B. E. Haykin, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, EF Svetlanov, Yuri Simonov, AN Lazarev, etc .; Directed by - LV Barat Pokrovsky, etc .; Choreographers - RV Zakharov, LA M.Lavrovsky, YN Grigorovich, etc .; Artists - FF Fedorov, VF Ryndin, SB Virsaladze, B. J. Leventhal et al. 1961 performances took place in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. BIG Uvate lake in southern West. Siberia. 179 km2. From the Big Uvat follows p. Vertenis and empties into the mouth of the Ishim. Big Uzbek tract highway Tashkent - Termez, 708 km. Built in 1939-40. Passes through the regional centers of Uzbekistan: Gulistan, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Karshi. Plot highways Almaty - Bishkek - Tashkent - Termez. Bolshoy Uzen river in Saratov (Russian Federation) and Ural (Kazakhstan) region. 650 km, the basin area of 15.6 thousand. Km2. Average water consumption in Novouzensk of 6.7 m3 / s. Flows into the stagnant Reed-Samara lakes. Stoke spring. Used for irrigation. BIG Cheremshan, in the Volga River, a left tributary of the Volga River (which flows in the Kuibyshev reservoir). 336 km, the basin area of 11.5 thousand. Km2. The average discharge at the mouth of 36.1 m3 / s. BIG Yugan river in Zap. Siberia, left tributary of the Ob River. 1063 km, the basin area of 34.7 thousand. Km2. Rafting. Navigable for 457 km. from the mouth. Bolyai (Bolyai) (Bolyai) Janos (1802-1860), a Hungarian mathematician. Independently came to the basic ideas of non-Euclidean geometry (published in 1832). BPO (Evenk.), High sheer wall, the steep slope of the river valley; rugged canyon (Altai, Sayan, Transbaikalia). BOMA (Boma), a city in western Zaire, 246 thousand. Inhabitants (1991). Port (available for ships) in the estuary. Congo, 75 km from the Atlantic ok. Processing of agricultural raw materials; chemical, woodworking, metalworking industries. Ship repair. Fishing. Founded in the 16th century. In 1886-1926 the administrative center of the Belgian Congo. Beaumanoir (Beaumanoir) Philippe de Remy (1250-96), a French lawyer, one of the first theorists of the French law, the compiler of the collection practices of medieval France (Vol. N. Coutume Beauvoisis). Beaumarchais (Beaumarchais) Pierre Augustin (1732-99), French playwright. In the comedy "The Barber of Seville" (1775) and "The Marriage of Figaro" (1784) depicts the conflict between the third estate and the nobility on the eve of the French Revolution; character comedy - full of energy and crazy servant. On the plot of the play written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera (1786) and George. Rossini (1816). BOMB (fr. Bombe), 1), formerly known as an artillery shell. From the 19th century. in Russian artillery bomb shells called mass communication. 1 pounds (16 kg) ... 2) aerial bombs, type of aircraft munitions. There are nuclear (see. The hydrogen bomb, nuclear bomb), high explosive, fragmentation, armor-piercing, anti-tank, anti-submarine and other bomb ... 3) Depth Charge - Marine ammunition to destroy submarines, anchor and ground mines and others. There are air and naval ... 4) projectile, home-made, for sabotage and terrorist purposes. Bombazh (fr. Bombage) canned, bloating tin - gas formation due to the multiplication of microorganisms in canned foods (canned food unfit for consumption) or due to t. N. false bombazh (eg., carbon bombazh the preparation of canned fresh meat). BOMBAKSOVYE (baobabovye), a family of dicotyledonous plants. Almost all bombaksovye - tropical trees. Ok. 180 species (20 genera), including baobab, durian, balsa wood and others. Bombardier (fr. Bombarde), one of the first pieces of artillery, applied in the siege and defense of fortresses in the 14-16 centuries. Scorer (it. Bombardier), in the Russian army and navy soldier or sailor initially, served by bombarding guns (howitzers, mortars, unicorns); 19 in. rank in the army artillery, which corresponded to corporal in other military branches. Bomber combat aircraft designed to destroy ground and sea of enemy bombs and missiles. Divided into frontline (tactical), long (strategic) and deck (ship). Bombarding ships, sailing warship con. 17 - early. 19th centuries. Had 20 guns or mortars 2-4. Was used to bombard coastal fortresses. Bombardier beetle subfamily of the family of ground beetles. The length of 5-20 mm. St. 500 species are widely distributed. Defensively, scorers spurting hot caustic liquid, which in the air is converted into steam, as if an explosion (hence the name). Larvae scorers - parasites pupae of other beetles. BOMBAY (Greater Bombay) city, one of the major economic centers in India, the administrative center of the piece. Maharashtra. 9.9 million. Inhabitants (1991). Port on the Arabian m. (Turnover of approx. 30 million. M.). International Airport. A major center of cotton industry. Mechanical engineering and metal processing, petrochemical, chemical, light, food, woodworking industry, film industry. University. Near Bombay - Tarapur. The largest center of national liberation and the labor movement. Known since the 16th century.
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