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И.Р. Сушков. Основы психологических отношений человека в социальной системе(56)


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Издательство «Институт психологии РАН» Москва — 2007
Основы психологических отношений человека в социальной системе
(Геометрия человеческих отношений)





401 Deutsch M., Krauss R. Theories in social psychology. 
402 D D evine P.G., Malpass R.S. Orienting strategies in differential face recognition // Personality and Soc. Psychol. Bulletin. 1985. 11. 33–40.
403 Jahoda G. The Development of Thinking about Socio-economic Systems // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology). V. 1, 2 / Ed. H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 89–110.
404 Intergroup Contact // Journal of Social Issues. 1985. 41. 3.
405 Kahn R. Nations as Organizations: Organizational Theory and International Relations // Journal of Social Issues. 1989. 45. 2. 181–194.
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409 Kelvin P. The Historical Dimension of Social Psychology: the Case of Unemployment // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology).V. 1, 2 / (Ed.) H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 405–424.
410 Kidder L.H., Stewart V.M. The Psychology of Intergroup Relations: Conflict and Consciousness. Mc.Graw-Hill, N.Y., 1975.
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412 Kramer R., Brewer M. Effects of group identity on resource use in a simulated common dilemma // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1984. V. 46. P. 1044–1057.
413 Laue J. The Emergence and Institutionalization of Third-party Roles in Conflict // Conflict: Readings in Management & Resolution / Eds. Burton J., Dukes F., N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1990. P. 256–272.
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415 Lemaine G. Social differentiation in the Scientific Community // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology). V. 1, 2 / Ed. H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 338–359.
416 Levine J.M. Reaction to opinion deviance in small groups // Ed. P.B. Pauls Psichology of group influence. Hillsdale, N.Y.: Lowrence Erlbaum Associates, 1980.
417 Levine J.M., Murphy G. The learning and forgetting of controversial material // J. of Abnorm. and Soc. Psychol. 1943. 38. 507–517.
418 Levine J.M., Moreland R.L. Innovation and socialization in small groups // Perspectives on Minority Influence / Ed. S. Moscovici, G. Mugny, E. Van Avermaet. Cambridge University Press, N.Y., 1985. P. 143–168.
419 LeVine R.A., Campbell D.T. Ethnocentrism: Theories of Conflict, Ethnic Attitudes and Group Behavior. N.Y.: John Wiley and Sons, 1972.
420 Lewin K. Field theory in social science: Selected theoretical papers / Ed. D. Cartwright. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1951.
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424 McConahay J.B. Modern racism and modern discrimination: The effects of race, racial attitudes and context on simulated hiring decisions // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 1983. 9. 551–558.
425 McConahay J.B. Hough J.C. Symbolic racism. Journal of Social Issues. 1976. 32(2). 23–45.
426 McDonald J. Managing Complexity Though Small Group Dynamics // Conflict: Readings in Management & Resolution / Eds. Burton J., Dukes F., N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1990. P. 241–255.
427 McGart rt y C., Turner J.C., Hogg M.A., Davidson B., Wetherell M.S. (inpreparation). Group polarization as conformity to the prototypical group member. Macquare University.
428 Mert rt on R.K., Kitt tt A.S. Contributions to the theory of reference group behavior // Eds. R.K. Merton, P.F. Lazersfeld. Continuities in Social Research: Studies in the Scope and Method of «The American Soldier». N.Y.: Free Press, 1950.
429 Mikula G. Justice and Fairness in Interpersonal Relations Thoughts and Suggestions // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology). V. 1, 2 / Ed. H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 204–227.
430 Milgram S. Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority // Human Relations. 1968. 18. 56–76.
431 Milgram S. Obedience to Authority. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1974.
432 Miller N.E., Dollard J. Social Learning and Imitation. New haven, Jale, 1941.
433 Milner D. The Development of Ethnic Attitudes // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology). V. 1, 2 / Ed. H.Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 89–110.
434 Minard R.D. Race relationships in the Pocahontas coalfield // Journal of Social Issues. 1952. 8. 29–44.
435 Moscovici S. Society and theory in Social Psychology // The Context of Social Psychology: a critical assessment / Ed I. Israel & H.Tajfel. London and N.Y., 1972.
436 Moscovici S. Social influence and social change. L.: Academic Press, 1976.
437 Moscovici S. Innovation and minority influence // Perspectives on Minority Influence / Ed. S. Moscovici, G. Mugny, E. Van Avermaet. Cambridge University Press, N.Y., 1985. P. 9–51.
438 Moscovici S., Mugny G., Van Avermaet E. (Eds.) Perspectives on Minority Influence. Cambridge University Press, N.Y., 1985.
439 Mugny G. The Influence of Minorities: Ten Years Later // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology). V, 1, 2 / Ed. H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 498–517.
440 Myers D.G., Lamm H. The group polarization phenomenon // Psychological Bulletin. 1976. 83. 602–627.
441 Nadler A., Fisher J.D., Str eufer S. The donor’s dilemma: Recipients reactions to aid from friend or foe // Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 1974. 4. 275–285.
442 Ng S.H. Social Psychology and Political Economy // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology). V. 1, 2 / Ed. H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 624–645.
443 Newcomb W.W. Toward Understanding of War // Essays in the Science of Culture / Ed. G.E. Dole, R.L. Carneiro. N.Y., 1960. P. 317–336.
444 Oakes P. J. The salience of social categories // Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory / Eds. J. Turner et al. Oxford: Basil Blackweil, 1987.
445 Oakes P.J., Turner J. Attribution and the salience of social categories: Correlation and normative consistency as determinants of personality, category membership and entity attributions. Macquarie University: Unpublished Manuscript, 1985.
446 Oakes P.J., Turner J. Perceiving people as group members: A functional approach. Macquarie University. Unpublished Manuscript, 1988.
447 Oakes P.J., Turner J. Is Limited Information Processing Capacity the Cause of Social Stereotyping? // European Review of Social Psychology. 1990. V. 1. P. 111–135.
448 Parsons T. The Social System. Glencoe, Ill: The Free Press, 1951.
449 Peck S. The different drum. N.Y., 1987.
450 Pett tt igrew T.F. Social psychology and desegregation research // American Psychologist. 1969. 16. 105–112.
451 Pool J. Coalition Formation in Small Groups with Incomplete Communication Networks // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1976.34.1.
452 Rabbie J., Horwitz M. Arousal of ingroup — outgroup bias by a chance win or loss // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1969. V. 13. P. 269–277.
453 Rabbie J., Wilkens G. Intergroup competition and its effect on intragroup relations // European Journal of Social Psychology. 1971.1. 215–234.
454 Reuck A. A Theory of Conflict Resolution by Problem-solving // Conflict: Readings in Management & Resolution / Eds. Burton J., Dukes F. N.Y.: St. M artin’s Press, 1990. P. 183–192.
455 Robinson W.P. The development of communicative competence with language in young children: a social psychological perspective // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology)/ V. 1, 2 / Ed. H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984, P. 28–51.
456 Rothbart rt M., John O. Social Categorization and Behavioral Episodes: A A Cognitive Analysis of the Effects of Intergroup Contact // Journal of Social Issues. 1985. 41. 3. 81–104.
457 Rubin J. Some Wise and Mistaken Assumptions About Conflict and Negotiation // Journal of Social Issues. 45. 2. 195–209.
458 Sherif M. The psychology social norms. N.Y.: Octagon, 1936.
459 Sherif M. Group conflict and cooperation: Their social psychology. L.: Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1966.
460 Sherif M., Harvey V., White B., Hood W., Sherif C. Intergroup conflict and cooperation: The Robbers Cave experiment. Norman, Oklahoma.: University Book Exchange, 1961.
461 Sherif M., Sherif C.W. Groups in Harmony and Tension. N.Y., 1958.
462 Silverstein B., Flamenbaum C. Biases in the Perception and Cognition of the Actions of Enemies // Journal of Social Issues. 1989. 45. 2. 51–72.
463 Simmel G. The sociology of George Simmel. Glencoe, Ill: Free Press, 1950.
464 Sites P. Legitimacy and Human Needs.- In: Conflict: Readings in Management & Resolution / Eds. Burton J., Dukes F. N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1990.
465 Skinner B.F. Science and Human Behavior. N.Y., 1953.
466 Slavin R. Cooperative Learning: Applying Contact Theory in Desegregated Schools // Journal of Social Issues. 1985. 41. 3. 45–62.
467 Sole K., Mart on J., Hornstein H.A. Opinion similarity and helping: three field experiments investigating the bases of promuotive tension // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 1975. ..11. 1–13.
468 Stephan W.G., Brigham J.C. Intergroup Contact: Introduction // Journal of Social Issues. 1985. 41. 3. 1–8.
469 Stephan W.G., Stephan C.W. Intergroup anxiety // Journal of Social Issues. 1985. 1. 3. 157–175.
470 Str oebe W., Str oebe M. When Love Dies: an Integration of Attraction and Bereavement Research // The Social Dimension (European developments in social psychology). V. 1, 2 / Ed. H. Tajfel. Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 250–284.
471 Summner W. Folkways. Boston: Ginn, 1906.
472 Tajfel H. Cognitive aspects of prejudice // Journal of Social Issues. 1969. 25. 79–97.
473 Tajfeel H. Experiments in intergroup discrimination // Scientific American. 1970. 223. 96–102.
474 Tajfel H. La categorisation sociale // Ed. S. Moscovici. Introduction á la Psychologie Sociale. Paris: Larousse, 1972. P. 272–302.
475 Tajfel H. Intergroup behavior // Eds. H. Tajfel, C. Fraser. Introducing Social Psychology. London, 1978. P. 401–445.
476 Tajfel H. (Ed.) Differentiation between social groups: Studies in the social psychology of intergroup relations. L: Academic Press, XV, 1978.
477 Tajfel H., Flament C., Billig M.C, Bundy R.F. Social categorization and intergroup behavior // European Journal of Social Psychology. 1971. 1. 149–177.
478 Tajfel H., Fraser C. (Ed.). Introducing Social Psychology. London: Penguin Books, 1978.
479 Tajfel H., Turner J.C. The social identity theory of intergroup behavior // S.Worchel, W.G. Austin (Eds.). Psyghology of intergroup relations, 2nd edn. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1986. P. 7–24.
480 Tajfel H., Wilkes A. Classification and quantitative judgment // British Journal of Psychology. 1963. 54. 101–114.
481 Taylor S. The interface between social an cognitive psychology // Ed. J.H. Harvey, Cognition, Social Behaviour and the Enviroment, Hillsdale, N.Y.: Erlbaum, 1981.
482 Thibaut J.W., Kelley H.H. The Social Psychology of Groups. N.Y.: Willey, 1959.
483 Thorndike E. Fundamentals of learning. N.Y., Columbia, 1932.
484 Thomas W. Haniecki F. The polish peasant in Europe and America. Cambridge, 1918–1920.
485 Turner J.C. Social comparison and social identity: some prospects for intergroup behavior // European Journal of Social Psychology. 1975. 5. 5–34.
486 Turner J.C. Social categorization and social discrimination in the minimal group paradigm // Ed. H. Tajfel. Differentiation between social groups: Studies in the social psychology of intergroup relations. L: Academic Press. 1978. XV. 101–140.
487 Turner J.C. Some considerations in generalizing experimental social psychology // Eds. G.M. Stephenson, J.H. Davis. Progress in applied social psychology. London: Wiley, 1981. P. 3–34.
488 Turner J.C. The experimental social psychology of intergroup behavior // Eds. J.C. Turner, H. Giles. Intergroup behavior. Oxford: Basil Blackwell and Chicago: university of Chicago Press, 1981. P. 66–101.
489 Turner J.C. Towards a cognitive redefinition of social group // Ed. H. Tajfel.. Social identity and intergroup relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 1982. P. 15040.
490 Turner J.C. Group behaviour, social influence and the polarization of group norms. Macquarie University: Unpublished research proposal to the Australian Research Grants Scheme, 1984.
491 Turner J.C. Social categorization and the self-concept: a social cognitive theory of group behavior // Ed. E.J. Lawler. Advances in Group Processes: Theory and Research. V. 2. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1985. P. 77–122.
492 Turner J.C. Is the self-concept a cognitive structure? Paper presented at the XXIV Congress of Psychology. Sydney, 1988. 28 August — 3 September.
493 Turner J.C., Hogg M.A., Oakes P.J.. Smith P.M. Failure and defeat as determinants of group cohesiveness // British Journal of Social Psychology. 1984. 23. 97–111.
494 Turner J.C., Oakes P.J. The significance of the social identity concept for social psychology with reference to individualism, interactionism and social influence // British Journal of Social Psychology. 1986. 25. 237–252.
495 Turner J.C., Oakes P.J. Self-categorization theory and social influence // Ed. P.B. Paulus. The Psychology of group influence. 2nd edn. Hillsdale, N.Y.: Erlbaum, 1989. P. 233–275.
496 Turner J.C., Oakes P.J., Haslam S., McGart rt y C. Personal and Social Identity: Self and Social Context. Paper presented to the conference on « The Self and the Collective» // Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, N.Y., 1992.
497 Turner J.C., Sachdev I., Hogg M.A. Social categorization, interpersonal attraction and group formation // British Journal of Social Psychology. 1983. 22. 227–239.
498 Van der Merve H., Maree J., Zaaiman A., Philip C., Muller A.D. Principles of Communication Between Adversaries in South Africa // Conflict: Readings in Management & Resolution / Eds. Burton J., Dukes F. N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1990. P. 216–240.
499 Van Knippenberg A. Status differences comparative relevance and intergroup differentiation // Ed. H. Tajfel. Differentiation between social groups: Studies in the social psychology of intergroup relations. L: Academic Press, 1978. XV. P. 171–199.
500 Weber M. The Theory of Social and Economic Organizations. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1947.
501 Wedge R. The Individual, the Group and War // Conflict: Readings in Management & Resolution / Eds. Burton J., Dukes F. N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1990. P. 101–116.
502 White L.A. The Science of Culture: a Study of Man and Civilization. N.Y., 1949.
503 Wilder D. Perception of groups, size of opposition and social influence // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 1977. 13. 253–268.
504 Wilder D.A., Allen V.L. Group membership and preference for information about others // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.  1978...4. 106–110.
505 Wilder D., Thompson J. Intergroup Contact With Independent Manipulations of In-group and Out-group Interaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1980. 38. 4. 589–603.
506 Wilson W., M. Kayatani Intergroup attitudes and strategies in games between opponents of the same or of different race // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1968. 9. 24–30.
507 Wilson W., Miller M. Shifts in evaluations of participants following intergroup competition // Journal Abnormal and Social Psychology. 1961. V. 63. P. 428–431.
508 Wolf S., Latan’e B. Conformity, innovation and the psychosocial law // Perspectives on Minority Influence / Ed. Serge Moscovici, Eddy Van Avermaet. Cambridge University Press, 1985. P. 201–215.
509 Worchel S., Lind A., Kaufman K.  Evaluations of group products as a function of expectations of group longevity, outcome of competition and publicity of evaluations // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1975. V. 31. P. 1089–1097.
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512 Zimbardo P.G., Leippe M.R. The psychology of attitude change and social influence. N.Y.: Mc Graw-Hill, 1991.

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