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   From a single room on Manhattan’s Lower East Side … to membership in a global network across more than 150 countries. From a 22-year old founder … to thousands of professionals. From an early focus on furniture manufacturers … to a wide range of industry-specific practices and more than 300 publicly traded clients in the U.S. alone.

When M. L. Seidman founded Seidman & Seidman in 1910, there were just over 2,000 accountants in the entire United States. Armed with an unfailing commitment to exceptional client service, the firm quickly expanded both its services and geographic reach across the country. In the early 1960’s, alliances were created with like-minded firms in Canada and throughout Europe, and by the 1980’s the global network had been established – and the firm was renamed BDO Seidman.

Today, BDO’s entrepreneurial spirit lives on, and the firm continues its history of growth as it expands across the country. Yet, no matter how large we become, we will continue to remain united under a common purpose: helping people thrive, every day.
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